Episode 5

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Nightstar: Welcome back to another episode of How to Ruin a Relationship 101! I'm your host, Nightstar!

Shadowtail: And I'm the co-host, Shadowtail!

Nightstar: Today we will be doing a special episode on apprentice and mentor bonding!

Apprentices: Oh no

Mentors: Oh no

All other cats: Oh no

Nightstar: Oh yes! Now, play the show!

*On screen*

Hollowfrost: Hey Flarepaw, let's go out training!

Flarepaw: Fine.

Hollowfrost: Great!

*Not long later*

Hollowfrost: *Shoving Flare's face in the dirt* Die you useless apprentice!

Flarepaw: *Dies*

Hollowfrost: What fun!


Crystalstrike: So Specklepaw. These are deathberries. Eat them.

Specklepaw: *Eats deathberries*

Crystalstrike: ...

Specklepaw: *Dies*

Crystalstrike: Great bonding!


Lightningstrike: *Doesn't murder his apprentice*

Cinderpaw: *Comes back to camp alive*

*"The End" flashes on the screen*

Hawkpaw: You forgot to add me and Shadowtail!

Flarepaw: Wait, I'm dead?

Crystalstrike: I'VE BEEN EXPOSED *Hides*

Birchshade: 10 BUCKS *Leaps at Nightstar*

Nightstar: UH OH

Spottedfur: *Flys by with Bonestar chasing after her* HAHAHAHA YOU'LL NEVER GET TOUR MAGIC BACK!!!! HAHA *Evil laughing*


*The stage is very chaotic. Cats are flying, running, and fighting. Suddenly, a cat named Laundry Basket walks in. Everyone stares at him before going back to what they were doing*

Copperfur from the DF: WHAT'S GOING ON THERE, CUT CUT CUT!

*The camera cuts and scrolls to the credits*

BoneClan studios is not responsible for any damage during this show. Some side effects include:
Going crazy
Trying this
Laughing uncontrollably



((I added Laundry Basket in for my friend because it made her laugh at lunch. You know who you are))

Don't forget to come back next time!

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