Chapter 5: Texting

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Arianas POV

*next day *

Bethany slept over my house because she didn't feel like driving home.

I kept thinking about the argument I had with Zendaya. Did she really feel that way about me? Am I annoying? Do I only talk about Jai?

So many questions fluttered my head. I was lying down thinking when my phone went off.

I picked my phone up off my nightstand and turned it on. I got a text .

I looked at it and had a confused expression on my face.

908-577-4468: hey Ariana.

Me: who is this?

908-577-4468: Justin. Remember we met at the after party.

Me: OMG hey. How are you.

I totally forgot I gave him my number.

Justin: I'm good. Do you feel better about the argument with your friend.

Me: well we haven't talked. It's only been a few hours since it happened. Don't worry bout it it will be good. ;)

Justin: okay. Anyways are you busy today.

Me: no.

Justin: well I was wondering If I could get to know you better. Want to go out to eat.

Me: sure.

Justin: :)I'll pick up at 6:30.

I put my phone back on my nightstand and dashed downstairs.

"Beth, Beth, Beth,Beth, Bethhhhhhhh", I screamed waking her up.

"Damn Ari. I'm now awake", she said with an attitude.

"I'm going on a date with Justin", I said still screaming.

"Really? When? Where are you going?

"First yes. Second he just texted me. Third I don't know where he's taking me. All I know is we have to go shopping ASAP.

I ran upstairs did my hair, put my make up on, changed out of my pajamas, and we left.


Why is Ariana so excited. Does she have a crush ;)

Question of the day: what's your favorite song on the journals album.

~xoxo Nya

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