"Yes! That one!"

"You'll buy the meal?"

"Yes!"I reply excitedly.

"But for what?"

"Because it's my birthday and I want to cut my cake with you."

"Why?? You don't have.. any friends?" The youngest one murmured with his broken pronunciation.

I chuckled hearing him and pretended to pout in gloom,"Nope!"

"Ok then! I'll cut your cake with you."

"Yeippiiii!! Let's go!"I exclaimed and in no time we were inside the beautiful Chinese restaurant.

Sitting on the table,I ordered for some delicious food and a small cake. My mind is full of peace and jest today. Firstly because it's a special day for me. Secondly because some kids are grinning from ear to ear because of me. And third but most importantly is because I did a whole bunch of shopping today but not a single guy glanced at me in evil eyes. I thanked Allah thousand times for guiding me to the right path. This veil is guarding me from so many harmful things that I can't even imagine! Dear future husband, one day you'll be proud of me!

When our food arrived, I served that in their plates and we began to quickly gulp down everything as we all were famished till now. Moreover, the food here is really mouth watering.

"Yes. Don't worry. Just cooperate with me in this project. I can guarantee your profit too."
Hearing someone speaking so formally in English my eyes voluntarily peek a quick glance to my right only to receive an instant electric shock finding Zawad bhai in that table. What on earth is he doing here?!?

He is alone. But all suited up sitting with a laptop on the table attending a video call as if he were in a formal meeting of some big big company. What about this get up huh?

Masha-Allah he is looking handsome in this suit! My mind for one second fluttered at the sight and I immediately turned frontwards. Ya Allah forgive meee!! What am I even thinking?? Astagfirullah!

I quickly glanced down to concentrate on my food and hid my iPhone in my bag so that he doesn't know about my appearance here. I then started to speak in a lower tone with the kids so that they do not suspect my attitude either.

But what is he actually doing here? Is he giving some kind of interview? Nooo, he doesn't look like an applicant. And he is still studying by the way. Why would he apply for a job? On the contrary, he was talking business just now. Something about a project. He was the one who was assuring them their benefit!

I heard him talking again,"Thanks. I really appreciate your support."

And then a voice came through the laptop,"Mr. Khan, it's our bonanza to deal with your company. We eagerly look forward making this deal with you."

Who is Mr. Khan? There is no one else here!

I peeked again to find him smiling at the screen,"Sure. Deal then. I'll be there in the next week."

"Sure Sir. Thanks a lot."

He is Mr. Khan???? Since when?? I forgot his full name already. Something Zawad.... Zawad Khan? Well, probably.

He nodded and cut the call. I then heard him releasing a long sigh while shutting down the laptop.

I quickly put my full attention on my plate but could see through the corner of my eyes that he was leaning back on the chair rubbing his forehead with eyes closed. He looks damn exhausted. But what was he doing here actually? Running his family business? What kind of merchandise does his family have that he makes deal with foreign countries where he himself is not present there? Man seriously! How can a person manage both his business and studies at the same time? How can he handle his meetings from Dhaka? And to be honest, he never talks about his personal affairs with anyone even though he owns a trade. What is the need for such privacy? Why did he attend the meeting secretly in a restaurant being all formal?

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