Kidnapped, By One Direction

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I fell onto the soft carpeted floor, groaning out loud as my alarm clock screamed at me with Sleeping With Sirens lyrics, because, well, I can't wake up any other way.

I gripped the clock's life support and ripped it out of my wall and the room fell silent.

That's right Mr Evil Alarm Clock! 

Who's the man- woman?! I am woman, hear me roar! Anyway, putting my nerdiness aside...

I Groaned and sat up, wiping my eyes from sleep. I grabbed my towel and had a shower. I pulled out all of my clothes in the draw looking for something to wear for school.

One of the things I love about my school is that I can wear anything I want, but it is also the down fall of my school because I don't know what to wear, every single bloody day school day.

I ended up with my black ripped jeans and my Yoshi shirt and my boot type shoes.

I looked in the mirror and ran a brush through my knotted brown hair. My nose scrunched up when I saw my freckled nose and cheeks.

I always get tormented for that.

The only thing I like about myself would probably be my eyes. They were an mixture of greens with brown flakes then they have a dark green ring around it. And from far away, they looked grey.

I smirked at my reflection and then grabbed my bag and slipped in head phones.

I walked down my hill, yes I call it my hill because I'm the only one who walks down it, everyone else is to lazy and just drives down it, to the bus stop... they're more lazy than I am.

I got half way down when I remembered I had to get my home work of the bed side table.

"Parachute!" I screeched and turned around, back to my house.

I kicked open he door with anger and sprinted for my room. I grabbed my folder with my 'home work' from my science teacher.

Yet, it is stupid because I'm in year ten. I mean, does it look like I have time to produce assignments AND homework AND study?!

Stupid teacher's... trying to ruin my already anti-social life.

I muttered darkly under my breath as I slammed the door shut and locked it. I glimpsed at my watch in displeasure, and sure enough, I have missed my bus.

I turned my music over to an heavy metal angry music as I walked slowly down the hill, regretting going back as I now have to walk to school for an hour... what a joy that life has created for me, poor bus schedule's.

Then screeching was heard from behind me and I turned around.

A white van roared around a corner and went fast down the hill, only to stop at me. I stood there dumbfounded as the door opened and I was snapped back to reality.

Hands grabbed me and I screamed and went all ninja on the rapist's.

I broke free of the arms and ran down the hill, not the smartest way. But still... holy cow! I heard running after me and that's when I made a split decision, to dump my shit!

I threw my bag backwards hoping to hit my pursuer "HEY- OOMPH!"

Muhaha! Right on target. Oh my god! My phone was in there! Along with my iPod! I can't go back now! I'm almost at the bottom!

I shall carry out the burial service when I am not in a life or death situation. 

I suddenly tripped over on a rock and face planted "Who the hell put that rock there?!" I screeched, then I froze and looked behind me to see a hooded figure run towards me.

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