Chapter 20 S2: In Paris

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~· AUTHOR's POV ·~

"Why do you have to tie me up again?" Jihye asked. Her hands were tied on the bed. And it made her think, it was kind of deja vu.

Back then, she was tied with chains and ropes on her ankles and wrist. That was the day Namjoon kidnapped her and took her with him for weeks. But for unknown reason, she was tied on the same bed and same spot again.

"You talked to another man." Namjoon answered, leaning his body on the door frame, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. Jihye rolled her eyes at his answer, hiding her sly smirk when an idea popped out of her mind.

"You're so jealous. My my, what if I tell you I like that guy huh?" She slyly smirked, looking at him straight to his eyes, imitating the lad as if she's not tied up in the first place.

"Oh so that's what you want." Namjoon walked closer to her, gradually crawling on the bed when he reached the soft mattress.

"What if I kill him in front of you?" He smirked, hovering over Jihye and slowly touching her thighs up to the hips. Making her feel a shiver down to her spine.

"That would be fun." Jihye nervously smiled. For the fact that Namjoon already did the thing to her. (on trapped chapter) She don't know what to do. Her body feels hot and cold at the same time when the memory will come back and make a flashback to her mind.

It was like she was drunk that time and didn't know what she was doing. Like, someone was holding her good girl side and letting the naughty one take over.

"You already have me. Why talk to them?" Namjoon asked, whining over his fiancé.


~· Jihye's POV ·~

This day is going to be special day. It's our graduation day! In just one ceremony we could say "Goodbye High school" but in just one day will say "Hello college". Pretty exciting right. Don't forget about the sarcasm.

"Tassels to the right." The principle announced. We gestured our hands, moving the tassel of our graduation hat to right as said.

"Everyone, I honorably announce to you the Graduates of Senior High school of School Year 2020 - 2021!"

After the principal announced us, as the certified senior high school graduates, the crowd cheered and the other graduates cried with a knowledge of college is coming, new friends and new life

Waving at their friends, the parents were asked to go outside first as the students will be having their last moments with their teachers and friends.

Namjoon approached me along with the boys by his side and asked me if I can go with him. Of course I said yes. He started walking to the stage and stopped when he reached the center.

Others were taking pictures but also paused when Namjoon knelt down in front of me. My heart beats faster as the time goes by. He grabbed my right hand while my left hand was on my chest, feeling the fast tugs of my heart.

He kissed the back of my hand as his both hands played with it. His gazed that was fixed on my hand shifted to my eyes, smiling widely at me showing off his deep dimples.

His eyes were glittered plastered with concern, worry, love and happiness. Finally, he said some words and asked a single question that made everyone stop even the teachers from doing their business and their attentions were all on us.

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