Chapter 3 S2: Questions

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"So, What do you mean by husband-to-be?"


~~ Ji-Hye's POV ~~

I was shocked from Jin's sudden question. I am not expecting that from him but from Namjoon. But as I can see, his head was hung low and it looks like that he's not going to join the conversation any time soon.

"What I mean by that?" Jinyoung asked. I was a bit nervous since I knew, I knew everything Namjoon did. Jin told me while I was in America. He told me that Namjoon was the unnamed killer in Incheon and here in Seoul. I'm scared for Jinyoung, Scared of Namjoon might kill him and soon if he finds out about Kyungsoo, he might kill our son too.

I looked at Jinyoung and he seems calm. He's not even scared or nervous. While everyone was looking at us like we are not one of them. Jin replied "Yes."

"Well. As you all guys heard from earlier. Ji-Hye and I are couple." He smiled, he didn't care about everyone's glare. He just kept on smiling.

"Ji-Hye?" Jin asked me while eyeing me in worried yet disappointed expression. "Yes, He's my fiancé." I admitted.

"Why did you leave us?" Jungkook walked from behind and tilting his head a bit. His eyes were glittering and I can sense that he's about to cry.

"I have to. I had no choice." My eyes are tearing up, I know that they're angry at me. For leaving them and for leaving him without even saying goodbye. I felt Jinyoung's hand grip tightened as they are about to bomber me more question.

"You have." Namjoon's face was now visible, Looking up to us and stared us with an angry look. His eyes are lifeless, lonely but still glitters. It's beautiful yet full of madness.

"How can you say that?" Jinyoung tightened his grip more to my hand. I'm really glad that I have him.

"She left us without even saying her farewell. She could have just said it. She has a choice. It's neither a family problem nor business. Her reason was me. Am I right Ji-Hye?"

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I stared at his eyes. He's angry. He can't accept the reality. "I-I don'-"

"You don't know what to say? You don't know what I'm saying? Oh come on Ji-Hye. Family Business was an old reason. And you almost got caught" He cut me off with sarcasm. Namjoon was walking to us slowly. His hands was clenched into a fist. His teeth was gritted in anger and his veins are visible.

"I'm sorry." I looked up to him, I was sincere by that time. My head was hung low and my hands were getting sweaty. Jinyoung embraced me into a hug as he sees Namjoon was getting wild. He placed his other hand on my head, burying my petite form into his chest

My head was attached to his chest and I can feel his fast heartbeat. I closed my eyes and a tear fell from my left eye.

"Sorry is all you can say?! Do you know how many times I cried every night? I came back to your house to see you if you already came back?! To see if you're in there? Do you know how many times I called out for you to save me because I need you?"

The boys were struggling to keep Namjoon, they were trying to stop Namjoon. He's crying, and this is the first time seeing him like this.

I kneel in front of him, asking for his forgiveness but all he can do now is talk, and let out his anger. And finally, Namjoon calmed down. He looked down to me not feeling a bit of sorrow. "I know it's my fault. But I don't know why I'm angry at you."

He hissed walking out of rooftop. " Ji-Hye, are you okay?" Jinyoung consulted. I nodded in response and stared at them for a minute. "I'm sorry everyone." I said forcing a smile.

"It's okay Ji-Hye, We understand you." Yoongi answered and smiled at me. I looked around to see their expressions and I can see that they all already forgive me.

I gazed at sky and let a tear fell again. I stood up and so Jinyoung does. We bid our goodbye to pick up our beloved in son in a nursery. "If you may excuse us two, we both still have to do important things."

We both bid our goodbyes and walk away from them. We jogged to the nearest nursery where we left Kyungsoo. We knocked at the door and not so long, the door opened, revealing the teacher's tired visual.

Her hair was a mess and there were bags under her eyes. "From what I remember earlier, we left Kyungsoo to a beautiful teacher earlier." I whispered to Jinyoung, leaning closer to him.

"Miss, we're here to pick up our son, Kyungsoo." Jinyoung ignored me and smiled at the lady in in front him.

"Ah yes. Kyungsoo your appa and eomma is here!" She called out. We looked around the nursery and it's messy. Some furniture are broken and some are misplaced. It's like a hurricane just came by.

"Thank you for taking care of him." While Jinyoung was thanking the teacher, I was looking at her expression carefully. She looked a bit pissed but she kept her smile to us. I paid her and we walked away from her with Jinyoung carrying Kyungsoo into his back.

While we were walking away from her daycare, she suddenly shouted "Please don't come back again!" and slammed the door. I was taken aback by her sudden attitude just now.

"Whoa, I told you." 



Okay so sorry for the angst up there. I still have a lot of plans even though there's already too much scene's that gave. As long as possible. I don't want a boring chapter like what happened from Book 1. 

So prepare for more plot twist and more angst. But I promise to do my best cause there's also romance. Romance is my weakness cause all I know is action, and gore. I'm challenging myself to do the hard things instead of the easier ones. Yes, I'm competitive but not that much. 

So, can you even guys imagine how angry Namjoon is? like so angry. But he's still holding back up there. Hahaha. 

Thank you for reading. And please vote. And don't forget to comment to share your thoughts. Love youuu! 



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