Chapter 7 S2: Disease

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·JiHye's POV·

"Are you telling me that my only child is sick?!" I blurted out. This can't be. Jinyoung and I did everything we can, just to make him healthy. This is impossible.

It's Saturday and Kyungsoo and I went to a pediatrician. Jinyoung went somewhere, I didn't know where he is. He just vanished like a bubble like "plop!"

"It's not confirmed yet ma'am. We still have to take some test to confirmed it." Kyungsoo's pediatrist answered.

"How could that be? We don't have any history about that disease" I exclaimed. Yes that's right. This is right. Kyungsoo has a disease. And I can't fucking believe this.

"Ma'am, Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease, It's a disease where you can get from toxins, viruses or problems with the child's lungs"

"I know, I know. You don't have to explain that." What now? I stared at Kyungsoo, sitting in in front of me. He's playing with his iPod so he's distracted.

"Ma'am, you do know this disease right?" I nodded at her. I gain Kyungsoo's attention and gently grab his small hands. "Kyungsoo ah, Looks like our time is counted." I smiled at him and he smiled at me like he knows what's happening right now.

Days passed and Kyungsoo's breathing became heavier and weaker. I explained everything to Jinyoung and he seems so stressed out. We confined Kyungsoo to a hospital but I'm the only one who's able to stayed with him. Jinyoung often stay by our side. He just often went to our son's room.

I noticed that he's getting weaker and paler as well. He also always clench his hands to his chest. "Are you okay?" I asked him. I know he's hiding something from me.

"Yes." He smiled and kissed my forehead. He pulled me closer to him and embraced me into a hug. He caress my hair as my head rests on his chest. "Is there something wrong?" I asked again.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his waist. Feeling his embrace makes me feel comfortable and safe. "No. Everything's alright. Except for the little guy laying down there" He chuckled. He's lying again.

We broke the hug when a knock was heard behind the door. Jin opened the door and one by one, they entered. And the last one to come in is Namjoon.

"Ji-Hye, Why did you hide him from us?" Namjoon asked. We all looked at him and I don't know this feeling. A feeling of guilt and sadness. Taehyung walked closer to Kyungsoo and kissed his forehead.

"What happened? The last time I saw him, he was so active and healthy." Taehyung sighed. They all gasped and were shocked when Taehyung asked. "Yah! Hyung! You know?" Jungshook.

"Of course I do." Taehyung answered and held Kyungsoo's hand. He sat beside Kyungsoo and caress the boy's hair. I looked at him smiling, he looks like Kyungsoo's big brother.

"We brought fruits and vegetables for Kyungsoo." Jin grinned. He really is a mother like hyung. I thanked him and he placed the fruits to table and arranged them.

"Jinyoung, Let's talk" Namjoon said out of nowhere. Jinyoung nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving. After they closed the door, Hoseok smirked "What now? Are they close now?"

We just shrugged.

·Jinyoung's POV·

"When are you planning to tell her?" He asked, right after closed the door behind me. "She doesn't have to know." I looked away.

Now that I've been getting weaker and weaker every day, JiHye must have noticed that. "So what? You're just waiting for a heart attack?" Namjoon blurted out. He clenched his fist and walked towards me but not close enough. He's stopping his self to punch me.

"Yeah maybe. I talked to the doctor already and it seems that she'll be alone again. And I hate the idea of leaving her, alone. And anytime now, God can take my life and Kyungsoo's"

It's not good for the heart to cry but I can't help it. The doctor told me that I have a weak heart. And anytime now, I can have a heart attack. And remember about the soothsayer? She told us that I'll be leaving my love alone, forever.


"Are you ready to know you're future young man?" She asked and I nodded as an answer. I'm so nervous, what if it's bad a future?

She prayed some prayers and closed her eyes for more concentration "You, young man, You're life is at risk. No, death." She corrected. I startled from her words and even Namjoon stopped his breathing and listened carefully to the old lady.

"There's this young child you really love, but not long enough and he'll leave you soon. And a girl, she'll go crazy about it. This is not good"

"What do you mean she'll go crazy? And who's she?" Namjoon asked. His eyes were full of eeriness. I can tell that he's worried.

"I don't know. She's blurry." This can't be Ji-Hye right? This is just her predicament right?

"And you" She pointed at me. "Live your life while you still can"


"HYUNG! HYUNG! COME IN QUICKLY!" Jimin shouted at us. He's calling for us to go into the room quickly. My heart started beating faster. I sense danger. I feel something. Not a good thing.

We immediately ran towards the room and barged in.

"Kyungsoo ah~"




Okay now we're talking. I don't know what is happening but I'm just writing what it's in my head. 

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