Chapter 2 S2: Husband-to-be

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"Hi Namjoon, I'm back"


Standing up from his place, Namjoon sprinted to Ji-Hye that was on the middle of introducing herself. Jin also stood up from his seat, sitting into his desk instead. Enjoying every seconds that he sees Namjoon approaching his love of his life.

The remaining 5 boys also can't believe, leaving their mouth wide open, seeing her form in front of them. "Ji-Hye?" Namjoon slowed down as he reached her position, slowly lifting his hands to her face trying to feel Ji-Hye's presence as he saw her.

"Yes Namjoon?" Ji-Hye answered eyeing the man in front of her. Looking back to the teacher, his mouth gapped, seeing the two of them being lovey dovey.

At last, Mr. Kang fake cough getting back to his old self. Letting the two of them, the educator called the other student. Shocking everybody, not knowing that there are two new students.

As soon as the master called the other student, The girl in front besides the door sqeauled"Oh my god! It's a handsome boy!" as the girls heard her squeal, They started squealing making their classmates cover their ears in noise.

Ji-Hye and Namjoon motioned their heads as they saw the lad, walking towards them. Ji-Hye smiled at him as he walks towards the girl, giving her a sweet yet sad smile. "Annyeong, I'm Park Jinyoung. Ji-Hye's husband-to-be."

~~ Earlier that day ~~

~~Ji-Hye's POV ~~

"Are you sure about this?" Our hands were collided as we walked into the school grounds. Students were looking at us. They were whispering to each other just like before.

4 years before Ji-Hye left. Once I entered the school. They keep on whispering with each other. 'Huh? What's wrong with them? Why are they looking at me?!' Do I have something on my face or something? Or are they talking about someone and not me? Well, I'm 100% sure that they're talking to me. Like super sure.

"Students never changed." I said as I looked at Jinyoung who was puzzled beside me. "What do you mean?" His eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Nothing sir."

"By the way, What do you mean? Sure about what?" I asked him looking at his eyes, trying to read his mind. We walked around the school as we saw a bench and sit on it. "I mean leaving Kyungsoo into that daycare without a babysitter?

"Maybe yes, maybe not. What's the worst thing can happen if we leave our son?" I wondered around as I saw students giggling to each other looking at Jinyoung. 'He's already popular. Screw his face'

"He's a bit troublesome sometimes, you know?" He asked me, looking to my eyes straight. "Are you saying that you don't trust own son?" I declaimed, starting an argue with him. I looked fiercely at him, trying to implement him in to guilty state. Does he not trust my son? Our son? Well I'm offended sir.

"I do trust our son, but not the teacher." He pouted looking at the opposite direction. He's cute when he did that but not cute as our son.

"And also, Kyungsoo is really troublesome. Like you know? Do you remember when you got angry at me when you saw our house so messy and there's a lot of broken furniture? It was Kyungsoo!" He added with a child-like voice, pouting his lower lip as he looks down to the ground and stomping.

"Oh Jisoos. Don't blame the child. He's just a child." I rolled my eyes at him as a sly smirk escaped my lips.

"A C-H-I-L-D" I spelled out. He was getting annoyed at my tease. It's working. I never knew that he's that short-tempered when it comes to Kyungsoo.

"And beside, He's only 3 years old. He can't do those things yet." I laughed out loud, gaining the attention of all the students in the same area.

He covered my mouth, putting his finger on his snouted lips, shushing me. "Sh! Sh! Shhhhh!" He must be kidding me. "You must be kidding me." I said removing his hand off my mouth.

"You don't know what he can do. All those times Ji-Hye, I'm the one who's taking care of Kyungsoo while you're away." Crossing his arms over his shoulders.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. Well it was your fault anyways. Making me pregnant for about 9 months and not letting me skip school even just for a week." I chuckled. His face was getting red and I found that cute to him.

"Well It's not my fault seeing a girl inside the convenient store drinking a beer in there because she doesn't want to go into a bar. And I'm sorry for being kind to her. But instead of letting me help her, she kissed me out of nowhere, making me have the war of hormones. Unable to control my body. Thank you." He stood up and bowed in front me, bowing with a sly smirk on his face.

"Okay. That's enough. School is about to start. Let's just get our schedules." I said pissed, changing the subject.

"Well, well, well, Look who's pissed." He chuckled.

~~ Present time ~~

~~ Author's POV ~~

Namjoon looked at Ji-Hye and Jinyoung back and forth. Even the whole class was surprised from Jinyoung's introduction. "What is he saying Ji-Hye?"

The teacher ignored Namjoon's question to her and asked everybody to sit back to their places.


Time passed and it's already afternoon. Classes are done so students decided to hangout outside or go home early. While the 7 boys and the couple walked to the rooftop. No one dared to talk while they were still walking.

Ji-Hye and Jinyoung were busy holding each other's hand as they talked about their lovely son. The others were not listening as they thought that it must be important.

As they reached the rooftop, Namjoon was the last one to close the door. He slowly looked up the couple who was waiting for them to talk.

"So, What do you mean by husband-to-be?"




So there you go. Chapter 2. 

I think I put the plot twist too early don't you think?  Nahh but who cares, plot twist is a plot twist hahahahahaha!

  I really put a really really bad bridge of plot twist right there huh?

Thank you for reading. And Please vote thank you!! Comments are also available hahaha. Love you! 



So hi! Forget what I said from the previous chapter. I'M DEFINATELY GONNA CONTINUE MY OLD PLOT HAHAHAHA. I've got a new idea. I dunno if its good but It's perfectly heading to a gore :)))

It's not that bloody tho. It's just killing spree I guess. Blah. I'm not yet writing those parts we'll see in the future.



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