Chapter 11 S2: Turning Psycho

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"Stop talking about me like I am not here. I can hear your conversations anywhere and anytime I want. I heard all of it."

"Oh no, Honey we're not talking about you" Jin announced with an uneasiness in his tone, making Jihye's smirk occurred.

"Come on, I know you're talking about me right? You don't have to hide it. JIN-OP-PA" She said, popping each syllable of the eldest name. Malevolent glare and malicious smile that was enough to make them uncomfortable, all of them.

"Jinyoung, I think these boys need to go home. Especially the 4 boys who entered OUR room without MY permission" Jihye claimed, emphasizing the word "our" and "my".

Namjoon gazed at her in disbelief. That was the first time he saw Jihye being so feisty, he never thought she has that side of her. Jinyoung looked at them and simply nodded his head.

"I guess we'll see each other soon" Jinyoung voiced out, making everybody laughed. Jihye tilted her head, perfectly clueless with the sudden outburst.

"Or maybe not" She snapped, giving everyone a deadly causing them to stop their little happiness.

"Jinyoung go back to our room" Ordering her fiancé to go back to their room. "I'll just walk them out"
"For what?"

"Mmm... nothing" He hummed.

"I'll send them out. Go to our room" She blurted out, walking towards the door, following the boys behind. She opened the door and they all walked out. Before Namjoon can utter a word, Jihye slammed door and locked it.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Hyung, I'm telling you. That's not Jihye" Pulling out Yoongi's arm, the maknae uttered still shocked from the lass' behavior.

"You know what? You guys are so fucking heavy, especially you Jimin. Would you fucking mind getting off me now?" Yoongi said, grinding his teeth and his eyes shut, trying to hold back his pissed emotion.

"Let's go. We've got things to do"


"What was that?!" Jihye blurted out as soon as the 7 boys stepped out of their house. Looking directly at Jinyoung, scowling in anger and her face redden as she throw daggers to the lad.

"What?" Jinyoung asked as if he's a lost puppy looking for an answer.

Jihye stomped forward, making her way to him as she cornered Jinyoung to the wall.

"Look here darling, No one's going to pay a visit anymore whether it's a boy or and fuckingly not a girl. If I knew you were dating someone and you're using those stupid guys, You're dead" She gritted in anger.

There was a hint of jealousy and piss to her tone that was making Jinyoung gulped nervously. Afterwards, Jihye walked back to the room and Jinyoung was left there, standing on the corner of the house, wondering what happened to her.

He thought that maybe she was just on her period but what made him think more was, it was the first time seeing Jihye like that. He felt like being a trapped by a lion who kept growling at him every time he makes a move. He felt like being love by a psychopathic woman.

That idea made butterflies in his stomach but stings in his hearts. He didn't even know whether it's a good thing or not. But being a positive man, he thought it was the best.

After that moment, Jinyoung stood up and headed to their room. He saw Jihye walked out of the bathroom with an innocent gaze at him. But little does he know, her plans was going pretty well.

Putting down her towel. She looked around to see the rope she prepared for Jinyoung and grabbed it, slowly approaching him, who was busy arranging their bed. She stepped of Jinyoung's foot, earning a groan from him and she immediately tackled him to the bed. Snatching his hands, Jihye tied his hands with a rope together and stood up after letting a satisfied sigh to her work.

"Now now darling, Everything is in my control."

"What the. Jihye, what happened to you?" He began "First, you called our friends stupid and now you tied me up here. What is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with me? Everything was ruined! I lost my son and I can't afford to lose you too. Having a dead son is the fucking wrong Jinyoung. What do you expect me to do? Grieve here and wait for you to be gone too? That's bullshit." She groaned, while glaring at him. With that glare, Jinyoung knew she was afraid and angry at same time. But everything's not in control. She's getting out her mind now.

"Jihye relax, please. Everything's going to be alright. I'll never leave you. I'm not going to leave you. Never."

"Don't tell me what to do. And anytime soon, you'll be leaving me too Jinyoung. Didn't you hear me earlier? I heard all of your conversations. EVERY EACH ONE OF IT."

She watched him furrowed his eyebrows and narrow his eyes in confusion and anxiety, walking towards him and gradually savoring the time she wants to do with him. Emphasizing each syllables that comes out of her lips.

"Yes darling, I know your little secret that you've been hiding from me these days."



    I know. It's so weird right? I mean, this is Namjoon Fanfic but turns out to be Jinyoung of Got7. But hell nah. He's just a prop to my story. Hell yeah.

   And I know it's kinda weird to read instead of the man being psycho over her. It was the lady who's becoming a psycho for him.

   There's also a lot of plot twist I didn't see coming since everytime I try to write I can't think of any. Writers block everybody. And I only have the mood to write when I'm in a cold place and starting to sleep, or 3 am in the morning like now. It's exactly 3:30 am.

   Everytime I try to write. I always forgot what I planned from the last time I wrote. But please keep on supporting this book. I'll try to update faster. Sorry for the sudden hiatus.

미안해. 사랑해요!

By: 김 박 정 뷘


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