Chapter 12 S2: Wrong Move

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~· Jinyoung's POV ·~

She locked me here in our room, It's been 5 days since she left me tied here in our bed. She brought me my breakfast, lunch, and dinner here in our room and sometimes she feeds me. I hate to admit but it's the damn truth, my fiancé is a turning psycho.

She only unties me when I need to go to the bathroom and do my business or take a shower. I know I'm pretty lucky for her letting me do such things all by myself.

I mean, other psychos don't let their victims do by themselves. They personally watch or make the other person wants to do. Get it? Got it.

I can feel my body getting weaker day by day and my heart pumps slower. Jihye didn't let me visit my doctor but instead, she said she'll be the one taking care of me. I let her do those things, knowing that I don't have the urge to protest. I don't want to see her angry or pissed. I don't want punishments. It's bad for me. And as long as possible, I want to stay by her side until the day I die.


This day was not a normal day. It's been almost a month when Jihye forbade Jinyoung. Every time someone knocks at their door, she gradually tiptoes and peak through the peak hole to see who it was.

She kept quite all those times but she's always watching and observing anyone who tries to destroy their 'peaceful' life.

Letting out a sigh, as an another unknown caller I.D. tried to call Jinyoung's phone. Picking up the phone, Jihye was pissed. She hesitantly thought if she whether answer or decline the phone call.

"Who's this?" She answered the phone, talking pissed as she placed the phone to her left ear.

"*loud panting*"

"What do you need?" She retarded, only hearing a loud pants from the other line. "Stop calling my husband or you're fucking dead." She added, plastered with a dangerous smirk on her figure.


"Hyung, we need to help Jinyoung hyung" Jungkook said to Namjoon, looking at the him as he sat comfortably on the couch reading a book.

"Why we?" He answered to the younger one and took a glance at him blankly.

"Yeah why we?" Yoongi said butting in, as if he's the one being talked to. "I have a lot of things to do. Don't count me in"

"Like what? sleeping?" Jin walked in the living room, slamming his body against the couch beside Namjoon, who was still busy reading a book. Yoongi nodded in agreement, laying down to the other couch where Jimin was sleeping and placed his head to the lad's thigh. "See? I'm busy."

"Namjoon, Are you enjoying yourself?" He smiled at Jin who asked the question with an unamuse face.

"50/50 hyung"

"What do you mean 50/50?"

"Yes, seeing my kitten being a psycho like me is quite amusing. Soon enough, she'll start to kill everybody she wants to kill." He said earning a smack from Jin.

"And no, I hate to see my little kitten being so possessive for someone and not me. BUT don't worry hyung, just wait within a couple of days and Jihye will be mine again." Namjoon smirked, closing the book with his both hands and slightly pushed his glasses up as if he's a real genius who just solved a very hard mathematic question.

"Shit, You guys won't believe this." Hoseok shouted, walking out of the his room, holding his phone along with 2 sim cards on the other hand. They all looked at him in confusion when those words slipped out of his mouth.

"I just called Jihye with an another number" Everybody widened their eyes as if they saw a ghost beside their angel who pulled a 'maybe' a prank on Jihye.

"What did she say?"

"She said stop calling Jinyoung or else she'll kill me" Namjoon stood up and snatched both sim cards on Hoseok's palm. He went to the kitchen, grabbing a scissors and immediately cut the sim cards in half.

"Do you even know what you just did?" Namjoon hissed at Hoseok.

"Well yeah, I just called Jihye" He replied innocently, not taking the hint from Namjoon's pissed tone.

"No you don't. You just called a soon-to-be psycho. Do you know what psychos are capable of?" He asked, throwing the sim cards on the ground and stepping on it. Hoseok traveled his eyes down to the broken sim cards as he watches Namjoon step on them.

"They'll hunt you down and once they found you, they'll wait for you in a place where you will never expect they'll come out and torture you to death" Namjoon explained clearly.

Hoseok ran his hand through his hair as he mumble something that is loud enough for everyone to hear. 'shit'

"Now you know, Don't do it again if you want to die peacefully." Namjoon walked passed to trembling Hoseok who was now being comforted by Taehyung.

"Jihye's a girl. And girls are feisty. She's a lot worse than me. And it's hard to stop an insane woman. Never fight with an insane woman. You might never open your eyes again."


Annyeong! Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment your thoughts!

Remember. Never fight a lunatic.

사랑해! Fighting!

By: 김 박 정 뷘


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