Chapter 9 S2: Letter to Taehyung

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If I were you, I'll imagine Kookie here.


"For Taehyung hyung,

Annyeong hyung. First of all, Thank you for teaching me how to write. See? Look! You're reading it. Am I good enough? Did I do great?

Hyung, by the time you're reading this, I'm dead already. I heard Eomma and the doctor talking. I didn't understand much but I feel like it's a bad thing.

Hyung, Do you remember when I ran around the house naked? I really enjoyed it and eomma is so happy that time. I wish I can do it with you next time. Hyung, when you read this please don't cry. We spend too much time and, and, and you know I don't like crying.

And you told me, Boys don't cry. We're strong. Super strong! Like superman! Hyung, I didn't get the chance to introduce Tobi to you. He's my friend and he helped me writing this letter. He says he's here for me and he's waiting for me. But right now hyung I'm fine. Super fine. Tobi's with me and he's taking good care of me.

Oh and hyung! Please take care of yourself and mommy and daddy. I didn't get a chance to say this to you hyung. I love you hyung!"

Taehyung read out loud. He's crying, clenching his hand into a fist as the paper crumples into his hand. His tears fell down continuously onto the paper, thinking of Kyungsoo.

He never felt such a burden before. JiHye, on the other hand, was also crying. Lost in to the reality world, she doesn't know what to do nor to react. She's starting to lost herself.

~Jinyoung's POV~

After Taehyung read his letter, we all bursted out crying. And my chest, it's starting to hurt. I'm feeling the real pain on my chest. If this continue, I might...


But not now. Not today. JiHye needs me. If I die today, what will happen to her? I don't want to be cured. It's just a waste of money. I'll die anyways.

I clenched my heart to my fist, trying to gain Namjoon's attention. He's the only one who can help me now.

But unfortunately, he's too lost i his thoughts. Any moment now I could die. No. No. No. I'm not satisfied yet. Just one last time. I want to make her happy, just one more time. Even for just one day.

In order to stop this, I have to stop them reading Kyungsoo's letter. For me to survive.

"Let's just stop for now" I said, extreme sadness in the atmosphere.

I eyed Namjoon, trying to signal him. He knows what to do. I closed my eyes and hugged JiHye tightly, letting a tear stroll down my cheeks.

Time's up already? Or maybe not? Just give me a couple of days. Just a couple of days to express my love for her.

~~ Namjoon's POV ~~

I saw Jinyoung hugging JiHye. It makes me jealous. It makes me want to kill him. It makes me want to grind his body.

But I shouldn't. NO. Not this time.

"Let's just stop for now" Jinyoung said. But why now? I saw a tear rolled down to his cheeks and his breathing is a bit heavy. Brows furrowed and eyes shut forcefully.

Wait, those symptoms. No. Don't. Not now. "Hyung, bring JiHye to her room" I whispered to him. He gave me a weird look and furrowed his eyebrows in wonder.

"Why?" Using his left leg, he supported himself, putting all the weight on his left leg and turning his body towards me.

"Just do it" I hissed. "Hoseok, come with me" I commanded and he blankly followed me. "Jungkook, get a warm water"

Jungkook instantly walked to the kitchen and immediately return with a glass of water on his hands.

He handed me the water and I sat down beside Jinyoung, supporting him to drink the warm water.

"Hyung, is something wrong with him?" They gave a worried glanced at Jinyoung and back to me.

Should I say it? They can be a big help. And Jinyoung can live longer with that.

A hand touched my wrist. I looked down to the hand and slowly trailing who owns it. It was Jinyoung. He flashed me a smile and shook his head.

"Sorry Jr. but they have to know. Especially her."

Taking a deep breath, I finally found a chance to say this to them. "Jinyoung... He has a disease. A heart disease. And not long-"

"And not long enough, I'll be the next one to be buried dead, next to Kyungsoo's empty grave" He cut me off.

~~ AUTHOR's POV ~~

"And not long enough, I'll be the next one to be buried dead, next to Kyungsoo's empty grave"

Everyone was shocked. Namjoon was looking down to his feet, feeling a little guilty for not telling them such an important thing.

"No, You can't leave JiHye too. She might go crazy" Taehyung stepped closer, trying to convince everyone.

"Go crazy..." Namjoon whispered. He figured it out. JiHye was the woman who the fortune teller was saying.

"This is destined to happen" Namjoon immediately stared at Jinyoung. His (Jinyoung) answer made him wonder.

"You knew?"

Taehyung was lost. He didn't know what Namjoon meant to say. "Knew what?" Taehyung asked.

"You knew JiHye was the girl who was destined to freak out?!" Jinyoung nodded. "Yes. I knew"

"Then if you do, why did you let yourself suffer? You know you can survive this. You know you can stop her from being a crazy bullshit"

He was speechless, but he thought of something. Something that no one will ever expect him to say that "It's because I choose to die"

They were stunned by his answer. They thought everything was fine. They thought he'll live with her forever. But it was just all a thought.

"I choose to die because I know, I know she's going to be a lot happier being with you than being with me"



Why do I feel like this is just the beginning? I mean. This is like a flashback.

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By: 김 박 정 윈


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