Chapter 15 S2: Killing

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"Jihye, You have to learn how to let go"

It's been a 2 months when Jinyoung died. School ended quickly and vacation, here it is. Jihye was still mourning from his death and still can't let go of him. She's emotionally fucked up. She almost killed everyone. And what I mean by everyone is what she sees someone and doesn't have a good gut feeling about them, she'll kill them. Lucky for Hoseok who's still alive.

Namjoon and the rest were taking care of her. Good thing she's being the good girl she is. But still, they can't stop her from killing and torturing everyone she hates.

"Tell me Namjoon, how am I supposed to let go when I let go, I'll fall into a fucking cliff." She hissed, holding onto her past. Wanting to survive the hell that's been waiting for her down there once she loosened grip and finally be the weak one again.

"Looks like it's your personal problem but hey no cursing" He smirked. "And come on kitten, I'll save you. Don't worry."

"Shut up or do you want to fucking die?" The reason why Jihye was still not killing Namjoon was he's a lot like her. But worse. She's worse than him. And maybe better in killing. Who knows?

"My lady, I'm pretty sure if Jinyoung heard those little bad words coming out of your mouth, he's going to be angry."

"Who cares? As if he's going back to life." She answered, smirking back to him while slitting the knife to the unknown lady she kidnapped earlier that day. As the scream slipped out of her throat, Jihye immediately stabbed the knife in to her mouth, making her scream inaudible and unclear.

"Shut up." Jihye growled, twisting the knife counter clock wise. The blood dripped from her mouth and throat to her skinned body and broken limbs. Namjoon stared at her in awe, admiring the brutal killing of her ways.

Moving on to her next victim, she left the girl and walked to several of strippers to the next room. She had 2 strippers and 1 virgin stripper. Yes. That virgin stripper had just recruited yesterday and will just start working today but how unfortunate of her, Jihye got her.

"Oh god. She's gorgeous." Namjoon pointed at the virgin stripper, looking at her in disappointment.

"Want to try her? You can maybe bang her before I kill her. I'm being kind here. " She offered, picking a butcher knife, scalpel and a scissors.

"No. I'm saving my virginity for someone." He mumbled the last line, not wanting for Jihye to hear it. His gaze follows her, as she walked closer to the strippers.

"Suit yourself." Chopping the fingers, Namjoon felt a bit unease making him want to stop her. The feeling of something wrong was in Namjoon's body posture and it's obvious enough for Jihye to feel it. "Something's wrong" He slightly mumbled, loud enough for Jihye to hear.


"Stop what?" She tilted her head, turning her body towards him and stopped from her little business.

"Nothing, proceed."

Jihye shrugged her shoulders and continued her psycho business. Skinning the strippers together with her bare hands. And took a gasoline before splashing it towards their skinned body.

Taking a lighter from her pocket and vigorously smirked. "I'm taking easy on you sluts." She lighted the lighter before throwing it to the gasoline body, firing the their body.

The screams become louder and annoying making them hiss together.

"Come on. Let's go. Let's get another one." She walked towards the door, leaving the corpses but not leaving a single proof of her. Namjoon trailed behind her, admiring her walking posture to his car.


Jihye waited for another victims to kidnap. Leaning against the cold wall of the dark street in the dark night. Only posts with small light bulbs were able to lighten up the abandoned street.

Hearing a loud clicking of heels coming towards her direction, she tuck herself into the hoodie with a the blood of the dead strippers.

2 middle aged women chatting with silly joke made her grin mischievously, gradually approaching them with a small sharp knife in her hands. Jogging towards them, the teenager stabbed their legs, letting the two middle age women fell onto the ground, groaning in pain.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" She chuckled. "Hmm, I guess this is my last kill for today."

Dragging her victims towards the car where she left Namjoon. She saw Namjoon sleeping at the back of the car loudly snoring. She turned the car back on and drove to the abandoned warehouse where she left her tools and old dead pals.


"Ugh" her victims moaned.

"I'm not fucking turned on. Stop moaning. It's disgusting." She kicked them, as they moaned in pain.

They were naked and Namjoon didn't care. He saw a soft old mattress at the corner room, laying down softly as their groans and screams will act as his lullabies.

"Bet they are good at bed" Namjoon pulled up, leaning his head on his hand as he lay down comfortably on the mattress while watching Jihye torture the women.

"Ow yeah? Why not give them a little pleasure then?" She shouted sarcastically.

"Yeah why not. I'd love to." Namjoon answered not taking the irony. He stood up and went to torturing scene. Jihye placed down her hands griping to an axe. Giving him a disgusted face.

"That was supposed to be an irony." She threw the axe away across the room, before plopping down to the mattress with frustrated groan.

"Oh. I was. But I never thought you fell for my little trap. My kitten."

... v^]


Ow yes. Now we know what's next. Little kitten fell for Mr. Sexy's sex trap. You know what's next *kisses*

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By: 김 박 정 뷘


I finished writing all the chapters yey! Except for the special last chapter hahaha~

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