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This is my interview with AuthourX

They have 397 followers at the moment and 13 published works including Fix You and Gilmore Girls Twins which has 6k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I've been in bed sick for the past year with severe chronic fatigue and I obviously was really bored, so I heard about Wattpad and thought that I might as well check it out but I didn't know I'd end up so obsessed lol.

2. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

Um, most people seem to like my Gilmore Girls Twins book, but my personal favourite is Fix You.

3. According to your reading lists you are in a lot of different fandoms. Do you have a favorite one?

Yes, I like a lot of fandoms, if I had to choose I'd probably go with Pretty Little Liars.

4. Why did you first decide to start writing?

I had so many ideas in my head and although they were just some random thoughts I wanted to write them down and see what people thought.

5. Do you have any difficulties writing multiple stories at once?

Yes definitely, it's one of my biggest challenges especially as I have like 7 drafted books as well, I try my best to update them all but I often fall behind.

6. Would you like to one day work on getting a book published or do you write more for fun?

That would be really cool but I'm not expecting anything, at the moment I just enjoy writing and seeing what people think.

7. Is there something you wish you could change about Wattpad besides the bugs and glitches?

Yes I actually have a strange one, I'd like to be able to add more than 20 pictures, gifs, or videos per page because sometimes when I'm writing a book and putting the cast in it there's often more than 20 and I have to spread it across pages which is annoying.

8. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

Honestly just to get more people reading my work and enjoying it.

9. Has your experience with Wattpad helped you grow or change at all as a person?

It has actually because when I first started I had bad depression but writing has really helped me and I'm doing a lot better.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Wow there's so many to choose from but I think it's when I found out that if you search Gilmore girls on Wattpad my book was the first to come up which I was so amazed by, just all the support everyone gives really.

Wattpad is such a rewarding community and everyone's been so kind and I'm so grateful.

Thank you so much for having me :)

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely AuthourX

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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