England here we come!

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woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i got over 1700 views and before i left for school this morning i only had 1500 so this is good news that people are reading. pleaseee vote it makes me happy all you have to do it click the little start.

enjoy this chapter and sorry for any mistakes :*

 “Hunter why have you got nerf guns?” I asked looking into the boot of the car “ this is what we are doing on our date” I laughed, this is so cute this is such an un cliché date which I wanted “ this is awesome Hunter, give me a gun and darts”. Hunter passed me over a nerf gun and some darts and I started to load it “so are we shooting each other?” I asked Hunter gave me and evil grin and lifted the gun up and shot me in the boob “ oww, that Hurt you cheater” Hunter laughed and ran off shouting “first to shoot the person in the head wins”. I started chasing him across the beach shooting him in the process. Hunter suddenly stopped and turned round really quickly and started to shoot me whilst I ran at him shooting him in the chest.

I was so close to shooting him in the head when all my darts ran out and Hunter got me in the head instead Hunter started to jump up and down waving the gun in the air like a little kid shouting that he won I groaned and fell to the floor “that’s not fair I ran out of darts to shoot your ugly big head” Hunter burst out laughing I whacked my arms on the sand “ Hunter stop laughing at me” he just started to laugh even more “Hunterrrr” I said dragging the 'r'. Hunter laughed loudly once more before calming him self “well look who stopped laughing mr cheater” I said to Hunter whilst he sat down next to me “ awww is Ember sad because she lost?” Hunter said like who was talking to a baby. I pushed him and he fell to the side landing on his side “hey that’s mean” he said laying down “well you deserved it” he chuckled and pulled me down with him.

Hunter and I have been laying here for a while just talking about random things, I haven't had a conversation like this for a while now and its nice to know that I can rely on Hunter to make be happy again. Lucy never made me happy like this, well she’s a bitch now and she will get what’s coming to her. “Ember?” Hunter said bringing me out of my thoughts “yeah Hunter” Hunter turned onto his side and looked down at me “ will you be my girlfriend?” I gave a massive grin and nodded “yeah I will” he smiled back and lent down and kissed me on the lips, I kissed him back and Hunter asked for entrance which I gave to him. Hunter got on top of me and moved from my lips down to my neck. Luckily no one was on the beach otherwise this would be a little weird to look at, Hunter came back up to my lips and deepened it straight away... I didn't mind though he is a good kisser.

Hunter pulled away after god knows long and said “ well girlfriend we should go home because we have a flight to catch tomorrow” I smiled “we sure do, but we need to collect all the darts first I want to play with the guns at home” he chuckled and kissed me on the lips once more before getting up off the sand and helping me up.

Hunter and I managed to find all the darts but some were in really weird places like I found one buried under the sand how did that even happen?.. I will never know. I feel like I need to do something with my hair and I've been thinking about dyeing it “Hunter do you think we could go to a hair salon before we go home?” I asked Hunter “why do you want to go I like your hair how it is” is smiled “ I don’t want it cut I want to get it dip dyed” Hunter created an 'o' shape with his mouth “yeah sure I know where one is” I looked at him weirdly “what, just because I’m a guy doesn’t mean I get my hair cut in a bad place” I laughed “well hurry up we need to go to your and pack as well” he groaned and started to speed walk to the car.


Hunter wasn’t lying when he said he got his hair cut in a decent place this place was really nice and clean and the workers were all smiling and were really well mannered. A young blonde girl walked up to me and said “ hey how can I help yous guys today?” I smiled “ I want my hair dip dyed” she smiled and pulled me over to one of the hair cutting chairs “so what colour do you want?” she asked. I thought about it and I wasn't really sure what colour I wanted “ I have no clue what colour, I don't want something dark though or blonde” she looked like she was thinking then she suddenly clapped her hands “ I know how about blue and purple?” I like that sound of that I smiled “yeah that would be awesome but will it show up my hair is brown?” she rolled her eyes in a jokey way “ well first I will dye the ends blonde then do the colour is that okay?” I smiled “of course it is okay” she smiled and started to grab my hair and pull at it separating it into sections.

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