Handing the gun over

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once again thank you for the reads 

sorry for any mistakes

enjoy this chapter :*

 Embers pov

Max finished the tattoo and it was beautiful all the guys liked the saying I made Max put above it, most of them asked if they were the new family I just smiled and them and said yeah which they were all excited about and gave me a massive group hug.

It was getting late and I wanted to go home and have a proper shower and sleep in my own clean bed. I said goodbye to all the guys and went to find Hunter, apparently he was in his office. I made my way through the warehouse to Hunters office, saying that makes him sound so official... well I guess he is seeing as he is the leader of this gang.

I knocked in the door to his office and heard a faint “come in”, I pushed open the door to see Hunter looking down at a bunch of papers with some glasses on he looks cute but sexy at the same time. “Hey Hunter” I said making him rise his head from his papers “Hey Ember, why are you here?” he asked me “ well I'm getting tired, so I came to tell you I'm going home” he pushed up from his chair and grabbed his jacket “ I’ll drive you” I smiled “ awww Hunter wants to take me home” he rolled his eyes “ yeah, because I have to talk to you about gang stuff” not more gang stuff “okay, sure”.

I followed Hunter out of the warehouse to my car which he insisted on driving, I should of never let him drive It in the first place. We were driving through the rougher parts of California and there was a lot of guys walking around in low riding jeans and hoodies. “right, you are now apart of my gang so I have to give you a gun.” I just made the sound you know when you acknowledge someone but don’t actually answer “yes, but I heard you still have your old gangs gun so you have to get rid of that first or give it to me” now I’m going to answer “yeah sure it's in my bedroom back home, I'll give it to you when we get there”.

Hunter and I were now sat in my drive way figuring out how we are going to get him in to my house with out my parents seeing him, I can already tell they hate him. “well I could meet you down on the beach with the gun?” I said to Hunter, he thought about for a few seconds before he replied “yeah, yeah that's a good idea actually I will meet you down there”. Hunter handed me the keys to my car and got out and walked around the back of my house down to the beach waiting for me to give him the gun I no longer needed.

I walked up to my front door and pulled my house keys out of my back pocket, yeah I know what a stupid place to keep such an important item. I really don't want to face my parents right now all they will do is tell me how irresponsible it was to punch that whore Cindy in the face and that I should apologise to her, well they can fuck right off if they think I'm apologising to her. I pushed the keys into the front door and slowly unlocked it, hopefully they wont here me and I can get the gun and give it to Hunter. If they found out I had a gun they would probably kick me out or even call the police on me.

I opened the front door and stepped in quietly hoping they wouldn't here me, I pulled my shoes of and gently placed them on the floor and ran to the stairs and started to run/tiptoe up the stairs to the 3rd floor to retrieve the gun Hunter wanted. I got to bedroom and realized the house was oddly quiet I shrugged and walked towards my walk in wardrobe to get the gun out of the coat pocket I hid it in, what! Don't judge me I had no where else to hide it.

The English badgirl and the American badboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora