naughtiness and being followed

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wooo okay so i've nearly got 1000 views but i dont have that many just yet only 2 more views and bam i have over 1000 views. when i do get over a thousand i will be super happy :D 

thanks for all the votes on my chapters 

the book is now going to become more intresting and the gangs will start to meet and shizz so enjoy 

sorry for mistakes 

Hunter sped up my drive way to my house god he was excited... now do I tease him or not?, it seems like something funny to do or do I give it to him?. Hunter pulled the breaks sharply and pulled the keys out of the ignition and pulled his belt off as fast as possible, aww he is excited. Suddenly my door was being pulled open and my belt being unlcipped, Hunter lifted me from under my knees and bought me up to the front door of the house, I passed him the key and he unlocked it quickly. The door swung open and hit the wall behind it, Hunter rushed me in placing me on my own feet he stood back and looked my body up and down you could see the lust in his eyes. I smirked “you like what you see Hunter, the guys sure did” I said walking up to him and running my hand down his chest, he gulped and replied “ yeah I do like what I see and I will be the only one seeing it again” I loved how he was being possessive over me. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck he bought his hands out and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him, he lent forward as did I and our lips connected.

Hunter licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted, Hunter lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Hunter started to walk through the house to the staircase not breaking the kiss once. Hunter had walked us up the stairs and I was now laying on my bed. Hunter pulled his shirt off and slowly crawled on top of me making sure he doesn’t crush me, he bought his lips back to mine and the making out started again. Hunter arms snaked around my back to my bra unclasping it. Slowly I pulled down the straps on my arms and took the bra off Hunter warm hands grabbed my boobs …... ( I cannot write this scene I find it to awkward and I just do not know what to write but if you want to write one go ahead be my guest)


The next morning I woke up and I was completely naked laying down next to Hunter he too was naked. What happened last night was amazing it was the best I ever had by far, good thing we used protection though I do not fancy getting pregnant. I lifted the covers off my body and walked over to my closet to find some clothes to wear for today. I found a pair of acid washed jeans and a tight grey crop top. I grabbed a pair of pink lacy underwear and walked back out of my room to the bathroom to shower.

I turned the shower on and let it heat up I love showers that are really hot its just so relaxing. I walked into the shower and grabbed the cherry shower gel and washed my body, I grabbed the cherry shampoo and washed my brown hair. I feel like a change with my hair... maybe I should change it maybe dye it and get it cut?. I will see what Hunter thinks. I shaved everywhere and got out of the shower and dried my tanned skin and pulled the clothes. I walked up to the mirror and grabbed the toothbrush sat on the side of the sink and squeezed some toothpaste across it. I brushed my teeth leaving my mouth fresh and clean. I pulled my make up bag from underneath the sink and pulled my usual out. I applied the eye liner, mascara and lipstick and walked out of the bathroom to dry my hair.

I dried my hair and Hunter woke up just after I finished I smiled over at him “ morning sleepy head” he smiled back “ morning beautiful” he said in his morning voice which was oh so hot. I smirked “you need to get a shower after last night” he smirked back “ or we could go again?” I laughed “ nope, I showered already and you cant touch this again” I said waving my hand over my body he laughed and got out of the bed showing everything. I laughed “ get a shower you naked man” he laughed and walked into the bathroom.


Hunter had finished in the shower and I decided that I wanted to look around California so we were now driving around California listening to the radio full blast and singing along. I was laughing for once in my life, its been a long time since I laughed and it felt amazing and I'm glad I get to laugh with Hunter.

Hunter and I were driving down a long road when I noticed the same car has been following us for about and hour now. “ Hunter that car has been following us for an hour now take 3 rights we will know if they are following us then”. Hunter did what I told him at the car did indeed follow us, this car behind us defiantly wants something from us. “Hunter pull over” he looked at me weirdly but pulled over anyway. The car behind us slowed down and drove past us, I looked through the window and that’s when I saw him the gang leader of my ex gang in the passenger seat. “Hunter! That was my ex gang leader in that car, they have found me we have to kill them go after them”. Hunter pulled out of the lay by and started to follow them be hind a ford. “how the hell have they found me?” I asked Hunter “ well we knew they were getting close just not this close” I sighed “ yeah I guess but we can get them... I know how”.

Hunter and I followed the car all the way back to where the other members were and turns out they are closer than we think. The good thing is I can recognize any member from that gang so they cant try and spy on me. Hunter and I took some pictures of where they are staying and how many men they have with them. By the looks of it they don’t have many.

Hunter and I drove back to the warehouse for an emergency meeting and this Is when I tell them how to get to them because I know there weak spots each and everyone of them. When I was involved with the gang my leader would ask me to try and spot where the weaknesses are, I use to lie and say I couldn’t find any but I found loads. The only reason they are the strongest gang in England is other gangs fail to spot these mistakes because they are so obvious you cant find them if you know what I mean.

All the men were already in side the warehouse waiting for Hunter and I to arrive but seeing as we were about 2 hours away we had to speed back. We pulled up outside the warehouse and rushed in to tell them why we called the emergency meeting and what we are going to do about my ex gang. I cant believe that I am actually going to take down my ex gang. This is so hard to do because some were there for me whilst I was training and some were even what you call my acquaintances. They were there for me when my parents were away, but they also ruined my life letting me get involved with drug deals and murders. I had seen way to much before I was even 16, my parents started to notice that changes in me, my eyes became dead and lifeless and I changed. I wouldn’t listen to teachers and I would get in trouble all them time at school when I actually bothered to show up. This is why I need to take them down with the help of Hunters gang.

We walked into the warehouse to see all the men standing around talking amongst each other, “ right guys we have some important issues to talk about” Hunter said loudly and confident. All the men turned round and went silent looking at me and Hunter “ the gang are closer than we thought and were following Ember and I today” the guys stood there nodding at Hunter “Ember is going to tell us there weaknesses and we will use them against them and we will take them down, do I make myself clear?” he said to the guys, they all mumbled a yeah or just nodded. It was my time to talk about there weaknesses here goes.......

yeah sorry about the awks sex scene... i cant write them at all it just awkward and i dont know what to write... 

voteeeeeeeee please it means alot and its only one little button you have to press


message me if you are confused 

thanks for reading


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