First day of school part 4

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wooo so okay this is the last part of first day of school. anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter and keep reading the book :P anyway some days i might update twice as i dont have to do any Homework :D  and im sorry if i make any mistakes i will try to fix them if i notice them and rememver this is my first story on wattpad and pretty much ever so yeah.

anyway here is the last part of first day of school

Enjoy :* 

We had just parked in the schools car park and we just sat there waiting in the car for one us to say something. “so England what are we going to do” I smiled at him and took my shoes off and pushed them into my bag I don’t want them to get dirty. “why are you taking your shoes off?” he questioned. I smiled at him “take off what you don’t want to ruin”. After I said that I shoved my bag in the back seat and got out of the car. I waited outside of the car for him after a minuet or so he got out with his leather jacket off and his shoes. I smirked at him “you ready for some fun?” I asked he smirked and nodded “Lead the way”.

We walked across the sports field to building B. I walked into building B with America behind me and walked down the corridor to an empty art class room. I opened the door and walked in and went to the back of the class room with the paint. “England what are we doing in here?” America asked. I smirked at him” wait and see. But come here and help me” he laughed and walked into the cupboard with the paint in. “ grab as much as you can”. He gave me a questioning look but grabbed the paint. I did the same and tried to grab as much as I could. When I couldn’t carry anymore I walked out of the class room into the hall way and waited for America to come out.

He walked out and he had about 10 bottles of paint, he had the same amount as me. “okay we're going to play a little game” I said to him with a smirk on my face. I grabbed the pink paint bottle and opened it. “what are you doing with that?” I smirked and squirted him with the paint and ran down the corridor shouting “games on America”. I started laughing and run down the corridors with my hands full of paint. Through my laughing you could hear Americas foot steps and they were getting louder which meant he was getting closer.

I carried on running down the hall ways whilst people were being taught. I found it funny they were in class whilst I was running around the school with paint in my hands being chased by the so called “badboy”. I was bought out of my thoughts when I felt a cold liquid hit my back. I just laughed and turned around and squirted him in the face with the pink. We both just started laughing and carried on attacking each other with paint.

We had managed to cover most of the halls of building B with different colour paint and our selves. The bell had just rang telling us it was time to go home. All the students came rushing out of the top floor classrooms only just to stop and look at us covered in paint and the hallways. I looked over at America and just burst out laughing. He looked like a child’s painting. I guess I looked the same because America was laughing at me. I grabbed the last bottle of paint I had and squirted him again and he did the same. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!” some old lady shouted at us. Most of the kids were taking pictures of us so I posed for them and replied to the teacher “what does it look like?” I smirked. I heard America laugh to the side of me and say “ I think it looks like paint. Don’t you England?” I smirked “why yes I do America. Now if you excuse us we have to clean up”. I grabbed Americas arm and pulled him down the corridor whilst we were both laughing “EXCUSE ME GET BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU DID THIS” that old lady shouted again. I stopped and turned on my feet “TO ADD SOME COLOUR TO THIS PRISON” I shouted back and carried on walking out of the building towards my locker to get my spare clothes.

I walked into Building A dripping paint everywhere. I walked up to my locker and grabbed my spare clothes which were a white crop top which had rolled up arms, a pair of dark denim shorts and my leather jacket. I closed my locker and turned around to see America with a bag which I was guessing had his clothes in. “ I'm going to take another shower” I said he smirked “want me to join you?”. I laughed “yeah, in your dreams”. He smirked “you're always in my dreams” and winked at me. I laughed and said “well I’m going to shower, then I’m going home” he nodded “do you want to invite me round?”. I thought about it for a second. Do I want this guy to come round my house? Yes I do. “ why do you want to come to my house?” I questioned him. He looked at me a smirked “to see where the hot bad girl lives” I laughed at said “ okay you can come to my house, wait by my car”. With that said I walked to the girls changing rooms.

I stripped down out of my paint covered clothes and threw them in the bin. I turned the shower on and took my under wear off and stood in the shower. I guess I didn't really think the hole paint fight through. I am now covered in paint and god knows how long it will take to come off. It was funny though I even managed to get some pictures of us. Some of them were pretty cool, they were like mid paint throwing.

I had been I the shower for about 45 minuets now and the paint had finally came off. I got out of the shower and dried myself with my damp towel. I couldn't be bothered to dry my hair so I just put it in a messy bun and pulled my clothes on. I re-did my make-up for the second time today. I grabbed my phone and cigarettes off the side and walked to my car bare footed as my shoes were in the back of my car.

When I got in the car park America was stood lent on my baby looking all hot. I mean who can look that good his brown hair was still wet and had the messy look which looked great on him. He was now wearing a black top with black skinny jeans and he looked hot!. I walked up to my car “ America don’t lean on my car” he jumped at first and then looked up at me I was welcomed by his blue orbs. They were just so blue, he had beautiful eyes. He smirked “finished checking me out yet” he said that whilst eyeing me up and down “yes I am are you finished yet?” I smirked and pushed him out of the way of my car to unlock it. I pulled open my car door and slid in. I reached into the back seat and grabbed my shoes and pulled them on.” ughh I need a cigarette” America said to the side of me “ I agree”. I opened my car door and pulled my cigarettes out of my pocket and lit one and inhaled on it “do you want one?” I asked America “sure”. I handed him the packet and took another drag of my cigarette “ you know, if I don’t have any cigarettes you have to give me some because I have given them to you all day” he laughed and said “ I have cigarettes, I just couldn’t be bothered to waste mine”. I took another drag and looked at him and blew the smoke in his face “you ass hole” he smirked “you know I find it really hot when you do that” I smirked and said “what this” blowing the smoke in his face again. He took a drag of his a nodded “ yeah that” which he said really huskily and he sounded hot. “ do you want me to do it again” I said getting close to his face he froze and let out a low “yes”. I pulled the cigarette slowly to my lips keeping eye contact with him. I took a drag of the cigarette and got closer to his face and slowly blew the smoke out in small circles. I took a step back whilst he was still frozen I smirked at him and took one last drag of the cigarette. Some jock was walking out of the school I think he noticed me because he suddenly shouted “ hey guys that hot English girl smokes” I laughed and dropped the cigarette and stood on it. America was just stood there with a shocked look on his face, I laughed at him and said “come on America get over it and get in the car we're going to my house”. He smirked and took one last drag of his cigarette before dropping it on the ground and getting in my car.

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