Look out

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wooooooooooooooooooooooooo i've got over 1300 views but i would like more and 143 votes so thats super! but please carry on voteing!. 

drama shall start to begin from the chapter! excited much :P

sorry for mistakes lovelies 

enjoy :)

seeing as it is my first look out in a few months I'm pretty excited. If you are wondering why I am so excited about it its because it gives you a thrill when someone is trying to break in and you catch them. “Ember lets go” Hunter said opening my car, I didn't realize we had even arrived. I don’t why but I feel that Axe is going to do something bad and I don't know what and its really bugging me, its been on the back of my mind all day. “Ember!” Hunter whispered shouted in my ear, I should stop zoning out this is really not me “Yeah sorry, I got distracted” he chuckled and grabbed my hand helping me out of the car. “so I must warn you not may people try get here because they are scared but you never know” I sighed “ I should of known not many people would come here seeing as you are a very feared gang” Hunter chuckled “we're a very feared gang” I smiled and grabbed his hand “take me to the watch out place then” he smirked “let us go towards the watch out place” he said in a really bad English accent, “was that meant to offend me?” Hunters face dropped “no...no I was just umm” I burst out laughing “Hunter I was joking” he laughed lightly and pushed me in the shoulder “you bully” I laughed and walked through the doors of the warehouse.

Hunter lead me through the warehouse to a ladder which lead up to the roof of the warehouse, how cool is that I can sit on the roof all night and see the view. Hunter grabbed the ladder and started to climb it “Follow me up” I shrugged “okay, its going to be freezing up there tonight” I grabbed the ladder and started to climb up behind Hunter. The closer to the top the colder it got, who’s idea was it to have to look out outside? On cold nights you will get hypothermia. Hunter pushed open the hatch the led to the roof and climbed through it, I followed behind and to tell you I was shocked. They had a little mini fridge blankets to keep you warm, how cute I didn't think a manly gang would do something like this. Hunter was sat in a pile of blankets I looked up at his face and he had one of those wide grins on his face “what do you think?” I smiled and crawled underneath blankets next to him and looked at the view. I could see why they picked up here to look out you could see all around the warehouse. “ I think its cute” he frowned “its not meant to be cute its meant to be manly” I burst out laughing “the only manly thing is the mini fridge” he joined me in laughing and started to hit the ground dramatically … was I that funny?.

Hunter and I stopped laughing and just sat there looking into the distance, it was such a beautiful night. If this wasn't look out I would think this is one of those cute moments like in movies, “all we do is look around and make sure no one gets in” Hunter said “well that's easy” he chuckled “yeah I guess it is”. I lent into Hunter to steal some of his warmth.


Hours had passed and it was now 3:00 am and nothing had happened, I was still cuddled up to Hunter and had drank everything that we had and eaten pretty much everything... I eat when I get bored. “Hunter, this is the most boring look out I have ever been on” I said in a bored tone. I felt his chest vibrate from his chuckle “ I told you no one really comes here” just after he said that I saw something coming near the warehouse. “Hunter look over there” Hunter looked and suddenly jumped up and went down the ladder, I followed behind him and ran to the front of the warehouse.

Hunter was already there “Ember don't come here please” what why doesn't he want me to go over there?. “why not?” I asked “Ember just don't okay, I don’t know how you will react”. React to what? “no I'm coming over” I walked up to Hunter “Ember don’t!”. I walked up next to him and looked down and there right in front of me was my parents heads next to there bodies. “WHAT THE FUCK “ I screamed with tears running down my face “HUNTER TELL ME THIS IS A JOKE PLEASE” I screamed while falling to my knees “please Hunter”. I pulled my knees up closer to my head and buried my head in between my legs and started to sob uncontrollably. I felt Hunter arms wrap around me and pull me closer to his chest “I'm so sorry Ember, but Axe did this they left a note”. I pushed away from Hunter and grabbed the note from his hand I looked down and kept reading it over and over.

So Ember you think you could leave this gang without your family getting harmed?, well you thought wrong and do you know who is next?


watch your back bitch

I must say you do look a lot like your mother ever so pretty

Axe and James

I scrunched the note and threw it away, I turned to Hunter I wiped the tears away “ I'm going to kill every fucking one of them even it kills me”. Hunter walked up to my and embraced me into a hug “all us guys will help you” I smiled into his chest and hugged him tightly “can you get one of the guys to get my parents bodies, we need to bury them” I said “ I will get Zak to sort everything out” I smiled “can we go home now?” Hunter pulled out his phone and looked at the time “yeah we can its 5:00 the guys should start coming now let me text Zak to sort everything out” I smiled and walked to my car.

How could they kill my parents they had nothing to do with me being in a gang, how did they even find them? I didn't even know where they were. I sighed and rubbed my hands down my face... I cant get the picture of my parents bodies on the ground with there heads next to them, I cant believe they stooped so low. I'm happy that Zak is going to sort everything out, I don't know how to sort a funeral out or the wills or anything. I know I wasn't close to them but I loved them and knowing they arn't going to be back from there business trip is so upsetting. I felt the warms tears running down my face and I couldn't stop them, I feel like apart of me is missing and now I will never have the support from my parents. If only I didn't join the gang, if only we didn't move to America, none of this would of happened they would still be alive and I would still be in Axe's gang. My dad can never walk me down the isle and my mum will never be a grandma and this is all my fault for getting involved with gangs. The tears started to flow even more and I sat there by myself sobbing, I feel so alone more than ever. I didn't even get to say bye to them and the last time I spoke to them I was arguing with them, they are going to look over and me and be ashamed of what I became, I can never get out of this not even if I tried. I caused the deaths of my parents, my family back in England would hate me if they knew I caused there deaths, but I could never tell them it was my fault they would phone the polices on me straight away.

How could Axe do this to me? I know I left the gang and everything but why murder my parents?. I swear to get vengeance on my parents, I will kill every singe one of those people from that gang and I will save Axe and James to last. They will not know what hit them. I wiped the tears away from my face and gathered myself together and waited for Hunter to get into the car.

Hunter got into the drivers side of the car and looked at me I gave him a weak smile “ I will kill the Hunter and they will not know what they got them selves in” he smiled weakly back at me “ and us guys will help you all the way Ember” I smiled and pulled my belt on “ I need to prepare for our date tomorrow” he saw Hunter smile from the corner of my eye. This boy just makes me smile when I'm around him “Zak is sorting everything out and they guys have taken the bodies inside” I smiled and turned my head to look out the window.

Hunter started the car and drove back to my house, I’ve never really looked closely at California I’ve always been speeding down the road or in just not in the mood. I can see why my parents moved here it is such a beautiful place especially at 6:00 in the morning when the sun is just rising over the sea. I smiled and closed my eyes, I am just warn out. To much has happened in the last 2 months. I felt myself slowly drift off and then darkness.

yeah not a happy chapter but there you go there is my twist :/ not really a happy chapter but it had to be done

thanks for voteing 

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p.s this chapter took forever to write first i got distracted my music again and started to sing and then my hands got really cold so i found it difficult to type but i hope you enjoyed this chapter


the book wont be ending soon i have so much to write it will take for ever sooo woooo you can read my book still


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