20 questions

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omg omg omg this is a cute chapter :3 well i think its cute.

sorry for any mistakes. no bodys perfect :P

Enjoy this chapter :D 

… The door bell rang. I pushed him away and grabbed the money on the side and ran to the door. I opened it to see a short old man with a pizza delivery guy outfit. I looked down at him and couldn’t control myself from laughing. “excuse me, can you please stop laughing and pay for your pizza”. I carried on laughing. The door was pulled wider and America looked down at the little man and started laughing. I put my hand out with the money whilst laughing. He took the money and handed me the pizza. “thank you” he said and walking towards his shitty car. He got in and I burst out laughing even more.”holy shit the guy was small” America said in between laughs. I agreed and walked back into the house calming myself.

I placed the box of pizza on the kitchen island and pulled out a stool and sat on it. “hurry up I wanna eat” I shouted. “okay okay I’m here now”. I laughed and pulled open the box of pizza pulling out a slice. “now lets see how good American pizza actually is”. I took a bite and chewed and omg this taste delicious. “mmm omg this is so good”. America chuckled from the other side of the kitchen island. “so England what is your name?”. Do I tell him? Ehh might aswell. “are you ready to hear the best name ever?” he chuckled “sure” I took another bite of pizza before saying “Ember how about you?” he gave me a genuine smile “ its a pretty name suits you” he said with a wink “and my name is Hunter” wow his name is just as sexy as he is. He started laughing “why thank you Ember” I looked at him “did I just say that out loud?” he smirked “why yes you did. And I think you are pretty sexy yourself” he said winking. I laughed and winked back. “how about 20 questions?” I asked he nodded. I got up and walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.

He walked into the living room and sat on the opposite side of the sofa. We turned to face each other “you go first” he said. “okay sure, why do people call you the badboy?” he smirked “well people are scared of me because of what they hear about me” I smirked “is it true though?”. “only some of it. But you wont find out what they say because you've already given your self the reputation of the badgirl and you hang out with me so they are even more scared now” I started laughing “ I could scare them by saying one thing I did in England” I smirked “your go”. He thought for a second “what did you do in England”. I frowned there was no way I could tell him he would hate me. “ ughh its complicated and I cant tell you anyway you could get hurt” he frowned “ I know what you mean”. It suddenly went really quite and awkward I decided to break the silence “so its my go to ask” he nodded so I took that as my queue to ask “are you a player?” he seemed shocked at first but answered anyway “ seeing as most of the girls are scared of me no. but the really annoying cheerleader I have no idea what her name is but she is always trying it on with me but I just tell her to fuck off and quit bothering me. She is like a fly”. Maybe this was the girl who had ago at me in the mall. “ hey did she have really badly dyed hair” he nodded “ewww its that bitch that had a go at me so I told her to piss off but hey” he smirked “ you spoke to her in school” I smirked back “nope in the mall when I mat an annoying boy who is in my house right now”. He put his hand on his heart “ wow that hurt.” I laughed and punched him in the arm. “damn girl you hit hard”. I smiled “ yeah it helps when you need to hit bitches in the face”.

We stopped playing 20 questions. “ Ember really suits you. You know that”. I turned my head towards Hunter “ really I thought it didn’t” he nodded “yeah it really suits you actually”. I smiled at him “ I guess you know what I think of your name from earlier”. Hunter nodded “ thanks for the complement. I laughed “ you know you say people are scared of you”. Hunter nodded “yeah why?”. I sighed “ I know what that feels like. In England I had my best friend Lucy she was the only one to talk to me. But everyone else heard things about me. Luckily Lucy didn’t hear them.”. He nodded “ yeah it sucks sometimes” I nodded in agreement. “ Ember, your not a bad person you know if anything I am”. “Hunter you don’t know what I’ve done and still do if anything your probably a better person than me” I said with a sigh. “ Ember what have you done”. I cant tell him. “ Hunter I cant tell you”. I said in a whisper. Hunter sighed “ Ember I’ve done bad things as well which I cant tell people. But I’m willing to tell you if we can learn to trust each other”. I gave him a massive grin “if I can trust you I will tell you. Thank you Hunter no one ever wants to get to know me”. I said looking down at my hands.”. I felt a pair of warm hands grab my hands. I looked up to see Hunter looking at me “ Ember. You're the only girl that hasn’t tried getting on me because she wants to seem cool and you're not scared of me. You actually told me where to go when I was being a dick to you. I like that in a girl” he said winking. “ and I want to get to know you better and understand you”. I smirked “ you where a bit of a dick when I met you a couple of days ago, and I guess I would like to get to know you better and try to understand you more and find out why people are scared of you”. He gave me another one of his gorgeous smiles “ I would like to know why people are scared of you in England too”.

I looked at the time it was 00:00 exactly midnight. I yawned and looked up at Hunter, he was yawing to. “ hey Hunter I’m going to bed, we've got to face the teachers tomorrow and see what punishment we get” I said smirking. “ I cant wait to see what we get”. I laughed “ right okay. All of the spare bedrooms are still being furnished so you can sleep in my bed with me. But don’t get touchy other wise I will hurt you”. I laughed “ I would never do that” “good” I got up from the sofa when I heard Hunter say under his breath “or would I?”. I turned around and smacked him around his head “ I heard that” he smirked “ what you're sexy”. I laughed “ come on I’m tired”. “ no fun tonight for me then”. I turned around “ shut up Hunter”. He laughed and suddenly stopped “ wait!, you're not a virgin right?”. I looked at him shocked “you actually think I’m a virgin?” he smirked “what you might be”. I laughed “yeah I’m so totally a virgin”. Hunter looked shocked. “ you idiot I’m not a virgin”. He sighed with relief “ I was about to say a girl like you must get a lot of attention from guys”. I laughed “come on I’m tired”.

Hunter followed me up the stairs and into my bedroom. I stopped in the middle of the floor and turned to face Hunter “ wait!. are you a virgin” he had a massive laughing fit “ please babe, with this body hell no!”. I laughed and picked up my night clothes. A pair of black tight shorts and a white baggy crop top. I guess you can tell my favourite thing is shoes and crop tops and my leather jacket. I walked into my bathroom and got changed and took off my make up. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun and walked out into the bedroom. Hunter was lead on top of my bed sheets with his top off and he was built. He had a six pac and everything. His tanned skin looked so good and he had a v line!. Holy shit Ember keep your cool. “you can use the bathroom now”. Hunter turned to me and his eyes widened. “ do I really look that bad with out make up on?” I asked him. He was frozen “uhhh... no you look wow”. I passed him a spare tooth brush and got under my sheets.

5 minuets later Hunter walked into the room and got under the sheets with me. “ Ember you look really pretty” I smiled and turned to face him “thanks Hunter. It means a lot.”. I could just see his smile on his face. “ you have to have lunch with me tomorrow”. I smiled and said “sure don’t forget your cigarettes its your turn.” he laughed “yeah yeah”. I turned back around and started to fall asleep “ night Ember” “Night Hunter”. Just before I feel asleep Hunter wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. How cute.

wooo okay so the next chapter will be Hunters Pov woooo first Pov so yeah it will be about the next day of school and shizz wooop anyway i hope you's enjoyed this chapter. thanks for reading.

The English badgirl and the American badboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon