Finding Ember

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hey hey, so this chapter is mostly in Hunters pov and is probably longer than others how FABULOUS (i love that word) 

sorry for any mistakes

enjoy this chapter 

I turned the ignition on and drove out of the gas station it was getting really late and I really don’t like to drive long distances at night as one of my cousins died driving home from her friend who lived in London back to Devon at night, she was hit by a drunk driver so I decided to find one of those places Americans call motels or whatever.

I drove down the road for a while and saw a sign for a motel that was apparently cheap, I wasn’t bothered about money I have enough but normally cheap motels are very dodgy, like all the horror shows on tv are people killing each other in motels and the cleaner finding the body the next morning and the murderer no where in sight. Its alright though I know how to fight seeing as I am in a gang or shall I say WAS in a gang.

I pulled into the motels car park and the building didn’t look that bad, I guess if all the lights to the motels name were still working or even still there then this motel is well looked after. There was many cars here, about 10 I think that’s a good sign that means I will be able to get a room.

I got out of my car and locked the door double checking its locked you never know who is round here. I made my way to the office of the motel and opened the door to see a pretty middle aged women. She had short blonde hair and had very tanned skin which looked natural, she wasn’t really skinny but curvy. She was wearing a black top but I couldn’t see the rest as she was behind a desk looking at the computer in front of her. “hey, I was wondering if I could book a room for the night?” I asked making her look up at me, I smiled at her and she smiled back “sure darling but why are you here you seem pretty young” I laughed “ I may have gotten myself lost, but I know where I am now and I’m heading back to Venice beach in the morning” she gave me a big toothy grin “you live on Venice beach?” I smiled “yeah I do its great” she sighed “ I would love to visit there one day, but I cant drive and it costs a lot to get down there on the bus or train” I sighed, I know haven’t known this lady long but she seems so nice “don’t you have a husband to take you?” I asked her, maybe I could talk to him “yeah, I have a husband but he is already in Venice beach looking for an English gang member who killed his friends in England and my brother” I completely froze when she said that, I killed guys in England who were American. He couldn’t be looking for me could he?. “oh that's a shame, anyway please my I have my key?” I asked quickly wanting to get out of here “sure darling” she handed me a key and I walked out of the office to find my room which was 201.

my room was at the end of the block of buildings, so it was cut off from the road and faced a large field. I pushed the key into the lock and unlocked it. I walked in a looked round, it wasn’t bad but it wasn't that great. The walls were faded yellow and the furniture was very dated you know when you go on holiday in a caravan and the furniture has weird patterns, yeah its like that. Right now I couldn’t care less what the room looked like because I was so tired, driving really tires you out you should try it.

Seeing as I had no clothes to change into tomorrow I pulled my clothes off and folded them and put them to the side and wore my underwear in bed. I led there for a bit but couldn’t sleep because I felt dirty. I groaned and dragged y tired body to the shower. When I got into the bathroom it wasn’t the nicest sight, there was dirt in the corners of the shower and it just smelt damp. I had no other choice but to use it.

The English badgirl and the American badboyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя