First day of school part 1

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wooo okay so this is the first part to first day of school. im not sure how many parts there are going to be of this chapter but hey ho!

and yeah i know my chapters are not the long but you know this is my first story and im not that experienced at writting but im trying my best and hopefully my chapters will get longer .... they probably will because im going to add alot more drama and there will be some pov's from the abd boy and you will find out who he is ... but you probaly already know *cough*blue eyes*cough* but yeah anyway i hope you enjoy and please keep reading becuase then i know people actaully like my story 

thank youuu :*

i woke up the next morning with my phone alarm going off telling me its time to start a new school. I turned my alarm off a dragged my body out of my ever so comfy bed towards the bathroom to have a quick shower.

I turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up. Once the water was at the right temperature I pulled off my booty shorts and crop top and got into the warm shower relaxing my muscles. I loved the feeling of the warm water running down my body, it was like the water was washing all of my troubles away and I could finally relax, but as soon as I got out of the shower they would all come back.

I grabbed my cherry shampoo and rubbed it into my wet hair, it smelt so good I love the smell of cherries and pretty much every fruit. Once the shampoo was washed out I washed my body with cherry shower gel. After I was completely washed and my legs were shaved I got out of the shower.

I wrapped the green towel around my body and walked into my bedroom to find some clothes to wear for my first day at California high gotta make sure I look good. I walked into my wardrobe and saw exactly what I wanted to wear today. I grabbed the black high waisted shorts with a tight dark blue cropped top which was long sleeved. I pulled on my matching pink bra and knickers and then pulled on my outfit for today.

I looked at the time and realised I had half an hour to leave the house as it only took 10 minutes to get to school.. probably five for me as I’m always speeding. One day I am going to get a speeding ticket but hey ho!.

I walked towards the mirror and applied my usual make up eye liner, mascara and today I was going to wear pink lipstick which really went with my tanned skin.

I finished doing my make up and headed downstairs to get something to eat before school. I opened the cupboards in the kitchen to see what we have. I looked in all of them and still have one left to open all the others had stupid weird beans in and other weird tinned food. When I opened the last one I was so happy. This was the cupboard that had all the unhealthy food in. I grabbed a packet of toaster waffles and ate them cold... Hey dont judge me they taste good cold. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and realised that I have to leave now or I'm going t be late.

I ran down the hallway to the cupboard that had all the shoes in I grabbed my dark blue Nike blazers mid tops and pulled them on. I grabbed my school bag which I packed yesterday... yes I know organized but I knew I would be late this morning. I grabbed my car keys and sunglasses and the house keys and slammed the door shut running towards the garage.

I got into my car throwing my bag on the passenger seat before I started the car. I pulled my belt on and started the car reversing out of the garage on to the stupidly long driveway. I got out of my driveway and headed towards my new school... well this is going to exciting, note the sarcasm.

I turned on the radio and one direction story of my life came on. I turned the radio up full blast and started singing story of my life really loudly whilst speeding down the American roads. I followed the directions my mother gave me and just before I got near “high school” the song finished so I just turned the radio off.

I started to drive into the school and it was really funny because you could see people mouths opening and closing looking at my car it was so funny. I parked my car and a crowd had gathered around my car. Through the window you could hear people saying “i wonder which dude owns this car?, maybe he will let me take it for a spin” first off all these people have to stop touching my car and no way in hell are any of these freaks driving my car.

I grabbed my school bag looking in the mirror to see if I look good. I grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open. It was like one of those cliché movies. I heard a few gasps and a few “holy shit a chick drives this car?” I sighed and said “yes a chick drives this car so now can you move away from it before you dent it”. Most of them took a step back and a few of them said “holy shit she’s English” I sighed again this is just so annoying “Yes I’m fucking English now please move so I can go get that stupid arse schedule” they all groaned and started to walk away but you could hear them muttering things like “Damn she’s hot and feisty I like that. Maybe she’s easy” and “whoa I wanna become friends with her just to ride In her car”. Ughhh where is this stupid office.

On my way towards the office I got stares is was really off putting. There were people whispering.. well trying to whisper but I still heard them they where saying things like “oh, did you know that’s the new girl and apparently she is English” and “hey have you seen the new girl she’s really hot and has a nice car”. I just ignored them and carried on walking towards the office.

I finally found the office. I walked up to the door and just opened even though it said to knock. I walked in and went up to the lady and said “I’m Ember I need my schedule”. She looked me dead in the eye and I just looked back blankly at her after a few seconds she says “ please” I groan and role my eyes “Please” she gave me a fake smile and grabbed a sheet of paper of the desk next to her. She gave me one last fake smile and said “enjoy your time here at California high”. I gave her a fake smile back and walked out of the office. “What an annoying lady” I said to myself.

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