kissing, food and blood

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i have over 800 views and i am really happy and i have 80 votes :p which makes me even more happy

thanks to Rachel and Anni reading my book and voteing :P makes me happy :D

sorry for the mistakes 

enjoy this chapter :*

Hunter put his hands underneath my bum and lifted me up making me wrap my legs around is waist bringing me closer to him. Hunter and I were kissing so passionately that I didn't realize that he had walked out of the ocean. I pulled away from the kiss and went down to his neck, I kissed slowly from his jaw down to his neck leaving small butterfly kisses. When I found his sweet spot he let out a low moan, I started to bite and suck on his neck leaving a Hickey. I kissed back up to his mouth and started the passionate kissing again.

We were in the middle of kissing when my belly decided to rumble, I pulled away and started laughing at my belly. I looked back up at Hunter and gave him a quick peck on the lips and un wrapped my legs from his waist “ well that was hot, but I’m hungry and need food” he chuckled and grabbed my hand “ let's get food then”.

Hunter and I walked back into my house, I looked around the kitchen and found nothing to eat. I walked over to the fridge and pulled open the freezer, I haven't cooked in a while. I looked through each draw finding chips, onion rings then I found mince that you could cook from frozen. I pulled them out and looked in the cupboards to see if I had the ingredients to make spaghetti. To my luck we had everything so I started to fry off the mince. “Hunter do you like spaghetti?” I shouted through the kitchen to the games room. I waited for a reply but didn't get one. I turned down the heat and walked towards the game room. I opened the door and saw Hunter playing just dance on the xbox and he had the volume up. When I saw him dancing I burst out into a fit of laughter which made Hunter turn round really quickly, he tried looking cool but his dancing said opposite. “ I... wanted...” I asked in between laughing “ yeah I do”.

I loved how he was trying to cover up what I just saw but was making me laugh at him even more. I got over my little laughing fit and walked back out into the kitchen to carry on making the spaghetti. I put a pan of cold water on to boil while I was adding the other ingredients to make up the spaghetti. Hunter will not want to leave when he tries my spaghetti, Lucy loved it.

Half an hour later the pasta was cooked and the source was cooked, I pulled out two plates and put the food on them. I called Hunter from the games room and watched him run in with a grin on his face he is such a child. I placed the food down in front of him and placed mine the other side of the table and sat down and started to eat. “Ember, this is really good” I laughed “ I know it is I cook it all the time and Lucy loved it” he smiled and ate more of the Spaghetti. I looked up at Hunter and smiled at him, I'm really glad he is my friend “Ember, we have a gang meeting today” they have gang meetings?, I guess so “ okay, what happens at these meetings?” he shrugged “ I just tell you what’s happening and whos going on the next look out” DID HE JUST SAY LOOK OUT, I LOVE LOOK OUT “ PLEASE LET ME DO THE NEXT LOOK OUT, I LOVE IT” I screamed across the table which made Hunter choke on his food. When he could breath again he answered me “ you were anyway with me, no need to scream at me across the table” I laughed and just ate some more spaghetti.

Hunter and I had finished eating and Hunter even washed up, I insisted that I did it but he said “ you cooked me amazing food so I will clean the amazing food up” when he said that to me I just laughed, it was so cute of him to say that. We had 10 minuets till we had to leave to go to the 'gang meeting' as they call it.

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