Burn bitches

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woo okay totally got over 2600 views that is awesomeee and ive got 199 votes i only need 1 more and i got 200! really excited 

enjoy this chapter this is were the gang action starts :3 

sorry for any mistakes :*


A week and a half had passed and Hunter and I have just been walking round Brighton going to all the different places, today was Thursday and my old gang would have there meeting today and I came up with a plan, Axe and James were still in America so why not take down the other half of the gang whilst they were not around. I thought of a plan in the shower... I know right creative but I think it could work but I need to tell Hunter first, and I don’t know if he will agree but I have to do this before Axe and James are back.

On Tuesday the newspapers were hilarious I cant even explain how much Hunter and I laughed, the funny thing is they can't get the spray paint off the floor so the gang symbol is still there and the parents are to scared to send there children to school.

I got out of the shower and dressed in a pair of black high waist jeans and a white vans top tucked into the high waists. I brushed my teeth and applied my Make up and walked out of the bathroom “Hunter I have an idea” Hunter swung his head to were I was standing “what is that idea?” I smiled and walked over to the hair dryer “ let me tell you after I dried my hair”. I turned the hair dryer on and started to dry my brown, purple and blue hair, when it was dry I bought it round to the side and put it into a messy fish tail plat. I turned round and face Hunter “ right don’t get mad at me” I said before anything else, Hunter looked at me confused “okay Ember..” I sighed “ we are going to kill the gang tonight minus Axe and James they are in America and we will leave tomorrow back to America” Hunter looked at me like 'what the fuck are you thinking' “Ember, I don't think that is a good idea” I laughed “ yes it is, if we kill all the gang they will not have any backup later on” he thought about it and nodded his head in agreement “yeah I guess so, what is your plan?”. I smiled at him and sat on the bed next to him “the gang have a meeting every other Thursday and that is today, they hold it in a large warehouse just on the outside of Brighton. What we will do is put gas in the air vents that knock them out and then we will cause and electrical fire making it look like an accident got that?” he smiled at me “ you are very clever Ember you know that” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek “so does that sound good?” he smiled “sure is but where do we get the gas from” I smirked “ I know a guy who can do it for me”.

I booked the flight tickets for tomorrow night instead of in three days, I phoned the guy up and told him to get me some knock out gas. I know this guy as one time he got in trouble with the gang and I stopped him from being killed but in return he has to give me anything I want and when I want it, and I took that offer up today. Hunter was currently in the shower and I was waiting for him to hurry is ass up so we can go for some food, I haven't eaten since yesterday morning and I was starving.

Finally he came out of the bathroom and man he looked hot, he was wearing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans that hung low on his hips a white hype top, and he had a grey beanie on his head that I bought him the other day and he looked just wow. I smiled at him and got up from the bed “ well don't you look hot today Mr Hunter” he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist “ and don't you look hot Miss Ember” I laughed and kissed him on the lips “Miss Ember is Hungry so lets get some food” he kissed me on the lips once more before releasing me from his arms and pulled his coat on, I pulled mine on too and grabbed my bag ready to leave the hotel room.

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