The little guy and the shooting range

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wooo okay so another part to my storyyyy, wooo so now ive got over 600 reads and that is very exciteing..... for me anyway and i have 60 votes wooooooooo 

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enjoy this chapter and sorry for any mistakes (que Hannah montana song)

 “I can't believe you cant kicked out of school for two weeks” Hunter said concentrating on the road “ I know right, my parents are going to kill me” he laughed “ I will protect you Ember”. I turned to him and smiled “ I don't get why people are scared of you, you're so sweet to me and I appreciate that” I reached across and grabbed his hand and squeezed it, what is this guy doing to me?.

Hunter and I drove to the shooting range in a comfortable silence holding each others hand, I actually feel loved for once... I think I'm falling for Hunter.

The car slowed down and came to a halt, I looked out the window and only saw a warn down building. I'm guessing this is the shooting range, It's not like the one back in England. The one in England was larger and well more well looked after. “come on then Ember I want you to meet the old guy that runs this place” I smiled and got out of the car. I met Hunter at the front of my car and grabbed his hand. We walked up to old run down building and walked through the door surprisingly it was really nice inside, it was really clean and smelt like cleaning products, so I’m guessing it's cleaned regularly.

“Hunter!, long time no see” some chubby old guy shouted walking through a door “ Arnold, I’ve been very busy lately” Hunter said looking towards me which made me smirk at him “ well introduce me to this pretty young lady then” I laughed at Hunter and I decided to introduce myself. “hey, I'm Ember nice to meet you” I said holding my hand out for this Arnold guy to shake it. Arnold took my hand and gave me a firm shake, once again killing my hand. I gave him a smile “so Hunter why did you bring this young girl here?” Arnold asked Hunter “well she is in my gang” Arnold’s face suddenly changed and he shouted “WHY IS THERE A GIRL IN THE GANG, THEY ARE WEAK AND WELL LOOK AT HER” how dare he insult me like that I am not weak. I pulled my hand away from Hunter and grabbed my knife out of my trousers and grabbed Arnold by the neck and digging it in causing him to bleed “what did you say about being weak?” I said in a low husky voice which had venom dripping from it. “ I uhh... mmm nothing, I'm sorry let me go” I pulled the knife away from his neck and pushed him down to the ground. I wiped the blood of the knife and put it back into my trousers and grabbed Hunters hand again. “ I forgot to say she was in England's top gang and she was also the girl who killed my men” Hunter spoke down to Arnold. Arnold got up from the ground and walked away.

“Ember, you looked so hot doing that” Hunter whispered into my ear, which really tickled and sent chills down my spine “ well he deserved it” I whispered back giving him the same effect he had on me to him.

Hunter led me down some more corridors and bought me through into the shooting range which was rather big, but not as big as the one in England. I can remember back in England what I first went to the shooting range and I was nervous as hell. The leader of the gang passed me a gun and told me to shoot which I did and from then he loved me and didn't want me to ever leave the gang which I thought I wouldn't but I guess I was wrong. “Ember were you even listening to me?” Hunter asked bringing me out of my thoughts “ ughh, sorry no” I said looking to the ground embarrassed that I zoned out. Hunter sighed I said “I'm going to give you your gun now”.

Hunter passed me the gun and it was beautiful, on the side it had the gangs symbol on and my name engraved into the side. “thanks Hunter” he smiled “ time to shoot”. When he said that I got all giddy I hadn’t shot in a while as I have moved and left the gang etc, so doing it again was exciting. I walked up to the barrier and loaded the gun and pushed the mag back in. I cocked the gun and started to shoot at the targets, I'm so happy I haven't lost my touch to using a gun I can still hit the middle. Back in my old gang I had to train the men how to use a gun because I was so good at using one.


Hunter and I had been and the gun range for over 3 hours now and practised using other guns such as rifles and shotguns which was fun, but now I'm hungry and want to eat. Hunter put the guns away and I put my gun in my trouser band and pulled my leather jacket over it. If the police saw I had a gun and would go straight down no questions asked.

“so we have out date on Saturday” Hunter said swinging my hand back an forth as we were walking to my car “yes we do and I'm very excited” he smiled and squeezed my hand “ me too, I have an idea what I'm going to do” he looked so excited, why would anyone be scared of him.... oh yeah! He is is California's most feared gang leader. “what are you planning on doing then Mr Hunter Luke” I asked him, I loved saying his name Hunter Luke was such a nice name “ Well miss Ember Kemp I can't tell you” I elbowed him lightly in the ribs “bully” he chuckled and we got into my car.

We were now driving back down the free way to a restaurant Hunter said I would love because the food is great and it is run by some English people. I was really happy with this because I really want some English food “ I never knew there was an English restaurant in California” I said to Hunter watching him drive, his face was perfect blue eyes, brown hair and light stubble which made him look Hawttt! “well you better believe it and why are you staring at me?” I laughed “because you are Hawt!” he laughed “ well you are Hawt to” I laughed at how he said it he pronounced it haw-t.

Hunter looked away from the road for a couple of seconds to look at me, when I made eye contact with him, I knew then that I was falling for him, i smiled at him "Hunter, i like you a lot" he quickly smiled and turned back to the road. i could see the smile on his face, he bought my hand up to his lips and kissed it " i like you to Ember, a lot" this made me give a wide toothy grin. no one has ever made me this happy damn this boy. 

we pulled up in front of this small restraunt and it was deffiatntly English, the whole restraunt was blue, red and white themed which was cute. it reminded me of home a lot but America is my knew home.

and Hunter is my best friend and the one i like. 

yeah, i know this chapter is short but you know

pleaseee vote it means a lot

thanks for reading


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