authors notee... again

45.7K 868 11

just like to say a massssiiiivvveeee thank you to everyone who has voted

it means im winning the competition against my sister which is great because she thinks she is better than me soo boo her :p

holyy shett this is the first time i have updateed on my phone..... i didnt know how to what an idiot

soo yeahh. im not sure how much longer the book will go on for i think over 10 more chapters because i dont want the book to ene *cry*

but im happy that i got this amount of views and votes on this book seeing as it is my first ever story i have written so its nice to know that im not that bad at writing.

also you can message me when ever, i will always reply even if it takes me an hour to two days i will

i also will follow everyone back :D

thanks soo much :*

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