Stupid parents

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okay so now she is finally in America i must warn you im English so i dont really know American slang and stuff like that so if i do make a mistake please tell me and i will change it thank youuuu!  plus i also update pretty much everyday as i have nothing else to do right now>

also Here's the fifth part to my story i hope you enjoy it 

“This is our new house” I asked shocked. My mum just nodded a grinned at me. When the car finally came to a stop I jumped out of the car as quickly as possible to check out the new house. I started running towards the front door but came to a halt when I saw my car. Instead of running to my new house I ran to my car and started kissing the bonnet. As you can tell I love my car.”Ember. What are you doing... stop kissing your car”. I gave a shaky laugh and turned towards my mum and smiled. I walked away from the my baby towards my new house.

I opened the front door and what I saw was beautiful. IT WAS A BEACH HOUSE!. The view was beautiful. You could see the whole of Venice beach. Our back garden was a beach!. I turned around to see my parents grinning at me “do you like it honey?” my dad asked. I just nodded and went to explore the whole house, and what can I say it was beautiful.

The last place I went was my room and it was amazing. It had a king sized bed in the middle of the room. There was windows everywhere as well as a balcony, which had a beautiful view. The walls were white to make the light bounce of the walls. I noticed in the corner there was too doors which I looked in. one was a walk in wardrobe and the other was a bathroom. This is the best bedroom ever!.I was too tired to do anything, so I just got my suitcase and pulled out my pj's and got into bed and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning with the light shinning through the windows and it put a smile on my face straight away. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to check if I look okay. I was surprised when I actually didn’t look to bad. I only had a bit of smudged eye-liner. I turned the top on and washed all of the make up off. Whilst I was walking out of my bathroom I put my hair into a messy bun and walked downstairs to get food.

When I got into the kitchen there was a note it read ;

“To Ember

we are ever so sorry Ember but me and your farther had to go on a business trip to Canada. We know it was very soon,as we have just moved here but this trip was very important. Once again we are very sorry we will be back in 2 weeks. Stuck to the back of this letter is your very own credit card. You can keep and and spend how much you want me and your farther don’t mind. But before you buy anything you have to get school supplies for tomorrow. The school is called California high. Once you arrive there go to the office and ask for your schedule. Have a good first day darling.

Mum and dad

p.s we love you


I knew they would do this to me. They couldn’t even stay for a week with out leaving. I was so angry I walked to the wall and punched it. Not caring if it hurt me or dented the wall.

I ran upstairs to my room I grabbed my high waist jeans and a blue tight cropped top which showed off my curves and tanned skin. I stormed into the bathroom slamming the door shut. I turned the shower on and got in washing my body with the bathroom supplies that were in here. They actually smelt really good, they were apple scented. After I washed my hair I got out and dried myself putting my clothes on. I walked out into my room grabbing my carry on bag pulling out my make up bag, putting my usual on.. red lipstick, a flick of eye liner and mascara.

I made my way down stairs grabbing my leather jacket and pulling it on. When I was at the bottom of the stairs I walked to the cupboard pulling out my black Nike blazers. I put them on and grabbed my car keys and the house keys.

I slammed the front door, I was still so angry. I pulled open my car door and slammed it shut I put the keys in the ignition and drove out of this stupidly long drive way with gates. I sped down the road going over the limit. I didn’t care. Why should I care when my parents don't care?. I didn't even no where I was going, I carried on speeding down the road weaving between cars and occasionally got beeped at by other cars.

From the corner of my eye I saw a large shopping place. I quickly sped round the corner earning another beep from the drivers and someone yelling at me to slow down. I wasn’t going to slow down I like going fast it gave me a rush. I pulled into what Americans called the mall, it looked so cliché. I parked in an empty space after speeding round the parking lot.

I unclasped my belt. I was still so angry, I guess at myself the most because I believed they would actually stay for a week but they didn't. I got out of the car and headed towards this shopping place to buy school stuff and more clothes for me and shoes. My parents told me to spend the money on  what I want so why not?. Time to go by shit loads of expensive things and maybe have a house party this weekend.

or i could just get wasted by myself..... naaa that's no fun. time to have my first American house party.

how will i have a house party when i don't no anyone?. well I'm just going to go to school tomorrow and invite everyone. i cant wait for the weekend.

The English badgirl and the American badboyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें