Back to school and a new gun

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wooo okay so another part and OMG totes winning the competition with my sister, i'm flooring her with views and votes so its all good.... but you could help me by voteing i would be super duper happy :D not like im not but hey ho! 

also i would like to say thank you to an awesome girl who i met on here yesterday that told me my book was great, it ment alot to me soo Thank youuu Rachel :*

sorry for mistakes, i'm not the best with grammar but who cares!...NOT ME!

Enjoy :*

I woke up to my alarm buzzing and Hunters warm arms wrapped around my body holding me close. Today I had to go back to school and see that slut Cindy and see what damage I did to her and her badly dyed hair. I had no other choice to wake Hunter up as I needed a shower and well I can't get out of bed as he is holding me. “Hunter!” I screamed which made him instantly let go of me and role out of the bed, which led me to have a massive laughing fit and fall off the other side of the bed. “Ouchhh” Hunter and I said at the same time “I think I broke my butt” I said rubbing my bum.

Hunter stood up and walked round to my side of the bed and picked me up off the ground and placed me back on the bed, he pushed the strands of hair that had fallen out of my bun over night and smirked at my neck. Oh shit!, he gave me a Hickey last night, I got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom to inspect my neck. When I caught side of the mirror and looked at my neck a gasp escaped my mouth, it was HUGE!. It looks like I have been punched in the neck, it was purple and so noticeable. I will not be able to cover this up, who cares the girls in the school get spread shit but I don't think they will after what happened to Cindy.

“Hunter, nice work” I said to Hunter when I walked back into the bedroom, to find some clothes to wear today. I walked across the room into my closet to find some clothes I know exactly what I want to wear today. I walked to the end of the closet to find my trousers, YES! I actually own trousers. Anyway I picked up a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and then picked out my grey top that had a floral pocket and sleeves and of course my famous leather jacket.

I did the usual brush my teeth, apply my make up but today I was wearing bright red lipstick. I straightened my hair so it went just past my boobs, I was like other girls who want insanely long her that reaches my ass long hair is such a pain if you ask me. I pulled my clothes on and went downstairs to wait for Hunter to join me for breakfast, I was cooking pancakes Yes! I can cook.

I made up the mixture and started to fry them, pancakes are the best thing ever! I would live off them and chicken nuggets. I put the cooked pancakes on to the plate on the side and waited for Hunter to come down, god he takes longer than me!. Finally Hunter came down looking all hot and sexy, then I remembered that I had to cancel the date with Blake so I could go on one with Hunter. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and typed out a message to Blake saying “sorry got to cancel with you, I just remembered I have other plans. Sorry :*” I sent it and placed my phone on the kitchen counter.

Hunter had pretty much eaten all of the pancakes that Fatty!. It was nearly time to leave so I got off the stool and went to find a pair of shoes to wear today. I don't feel like wearing trainers, I feel like high heels. I walked into the closet and saw the pair I wanted to wear, they were black and had 2 gold buckles at the side which showed your feet so you don't wear socks with them. I pulled them off the rack and slid them in buckling them up. I feel so hot today!, not that I don't other days.

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