What did you say Lucy?

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omg i've got 2000 views im really happy about this i didn't even think i would get over 500 so this is amazing thank you to everyone who has voted on my story and read my story to get me 2000 views its amazing :D

anyway enjoy this chapter

sorry for any mistakes


 I woke up freezing cold and regretted not putting any pj's on last night its not like sunny California here... I should of knew that seeing as I did live here for 18 years. I pulled the clothes further over my body to try and warm myself up but no luck I’m going to have to get out of bed and put some clothes on. I looked over at the alarm clock on the side and it read 10:36, that’s good Hunter and I haven't missed the lunch break at my old school I want to give Lucy a little visit. I shook Hunter awake and he groaned “Ember, leave me alone I'm tired” I laughed “ get up sill we need to get dresses and go to my old school” he groaned “do we have to do that today?” I sighed he is really annoying me, for a gang leader he sleeps in to much “ yes we do if you want to see all the places I use to hang out and the graffiti I did when I was younger” he quickly lifted his head up “ I'm up” I laughed “that’s good now I'm going to get showered and dressed” he nodded and sat up and lent his head back rubbing his hands down his face and my god he looked sexy how is this guy not a model.

I ran over to my suitcase to find some clothes as quick as possible and get into the shower to warm my body up more, I bent down to open my suitcase “ nice ass sexy” I laughed “ shut up Hunter I need to find clothes” he laughed and I carried on looking through my suitcase. I grabbed a pair of my many black high waisted jeans and a simple see through floral top and grabbed a black vest to wear underneath as it is to cold to wear it with out a vest, I grabbed a black bra and knickers and went to the bathroom to shower.

I stood in the warm shower letting the warm water wash my body I hate not having a shower but I was to tired last night to shower plane journeys are so tiring. I used the shower gel and shampoo the hotel provided which smelt really good, this is why I only come to 5 star hotels as everything is well looked after and clean and the service is good. I got the last of the shampoo out of my new dyed hair and I must say Rosie did a very good job dyeing my hair its really nice. I grabbed the towel of the rack and wrapped it round my body and a separate towel around my hair. I grabbed my shower bag and pulled out my toothbrush and tooth paste and brushed my teeth... twice as I forgot to last night, I rinsed my mouth with mouth wash and proceeded to apply my make up. I put my my mascara and eye liner on as well as my red lipstick. My body was now dry completely so I clipped my bra on and pulled my underwear up and got dressed, I tucked my top into the high waisted jeans and walked out of the bathroom “Hunter get into the shower we have an hour to have breakfast and get to the school” he groaned and got up from the bed and grabbed some clothes from his suitcase which I didn't quite see as I was taking the towel off my head, I plugged the hair dryer in and dried it I loved how the blue and purple mixed in together but you could still see that there was blue and purple.

Whilst Hunter was in the shower I decided I would run down to the restaurant and grab us both something for breakfast well lunch so we could get to the school on time. I ran down the flight of stairs and walked through the lobby to the restaurant, I looked at the different sandwiches they had and decided on a southern friend sandwich for me and I got Hunter a BLT because he needs to try some English food. I paid for the sandwiches and ran back up the stairs to meet Hunter, when I got into the room Hunter was just walking out of the shower and damn he looked fine, he was wearing a dark blue top which clung to his muscles and a pair of dark jeans that hung on his hips “ hey where did you go?” he said whilst I sat down on the bed “ I got brunch I think” I looked over at the time and saw it was 11:30 “yeah brunch” I handed him the sandwich and he looked at it “ Bacon lettuce and tomato?” I rolled my eyes “ yeah a BLT try it is good” he shrugged and opened up the sandwich packet and took a large bite of the sandwich “ this is really good” he said with his mouth full I laughed and took a bite of mine.

The English badgirl and the American badboyWhere stories live. Discover now