"But I feel fine!" I complain.

Liam ignores me. "Zayn can you hold her down?"

"I don't need a babysitter!" I stand up, but Zayn pushes me back down.

"You've been sick for three days!" Harry walks in the living room.

"I'm better now." I argue.

"We are still taking you." Niall crosses his arms.

I turn to glare at him. "I'm not making you any sandwiches."

Niall's face drops. "Why not?!"

"You let me get caught!" I yell at him.

"That wasn't part of the deal!" Niall stands up looking sad.

"It was implied." I simply say.

"That's not fair!" He pouts.

"You're not the going to the doctors." I glare at Liam.

Megan and Louis plop down on the couch next to Niall. "If you weren't so scared of the doctors it wouldn't be a big deal." Louis smirks.

"I'm not scared of the doctors." I reply.

"Yes, you are." Megan comments.

"No, I'm not!" I argue. I'm almost an adult. I am not scared of doctors.

"Prove it!" Louis smirks.

"Fine! I will!" I shout back at him. Louis grins in triumph. Dang it! "I'm not going!"

"Don't make us force you." Harry grins mischievously at me.

"I'd like to see you try." I challenge him.

I can't believe them. Isn't this going a little far? I must look like a complete idiot. Everyone in the waiting room is staring at me like I'm a criminal. I don't blame them for looking at me like this. If I saw a girl tied up with rope sitting in a doctor's waiting room, I'd be freaked out.

That's right. The guys tied me with rope. I don't just mean my hands are tied together. Oh no. It's the whole package. My hands, legs, and ankles are tied together.

I'm still in my pajamas, too. I wasn't given the chance to change. After I challenged Harry, they all attacked me. Louis grabbed the rope. Megan even recorded the whole thing! She put me on YouTube. The whole world probably say me getting tied up by One Direction. More hate mail. I really need to check my Facebook and Twitter.

"Tori Adams?" A female nurse walks out of a side door with a clipboard in here hand. Liam stands up and picks me up in his arms. The nurse looks up and her eyes widen.

"Hi." I say as Liam carries me in the doorway. She must be pretty freaked out right now.

"What's the problem?" She eyes the rest of the guys following us in the tiny room.

Liam sets me down on the uncomfortable bed. "I don't know why I'm here. I feel perfectly fine."

The nurse raises her eyebrow at me. "Why is she here?" She asks Liam.

"She's been sick for three days." Liam answers standing by the bed.

"No, I haven't." I say.

"She's thrown up the first day." Louis says.

"Has a fever." Zayn adds.

"Isn't hungry." Megan comments.

"No energy." Niall pipes in.

"Paler than usual." Harry speaks up.

The nurse writes everything down. She takes my temperature and blood pressure. "The doctor will be here in a few minutes." She walks out of the room.

"I hate you all." I mumble.

We sit there for a few minutes in an uncomfortable silence. Louis is going through the different drawers. The door reopens a few minutes later and the doctor walks in.

"Tori Adams, correct?" The doctor shuts the door and turns to look at me. He takes in my appearance and bursts out laughing. Even the doctor is laughing at me. "Don't like doctors?"

"Is it that obvious?" I ask.

"Not at all." The doctor shakes his head. "My name is Doctor Bowers. You have been sick for three days?"


"Yes, she has." Liam interrupts me before I can say anything else.

"There is a virus that has been going around." Doctor Bowers looks down at his clipboard. "All of your symptoms match up to it. The virus normally lasts from three to four days. This being your third day. I expect you to be feeling better by tomorrow. I'm going to give you an antibiotic just in case."

"Yay." I sigh. I hate taking medicine.

He smiles sympathetically at me. "You have some good friends."

"They tied me up." I wave my arms around showing him the rope.

Doctor Bowers chuckles. "But they obviously love you. You should be all better when you go on your tour."

"Thanks Doc." Liam shakes hands with him.

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