Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

Katrina faltered but didn't respond. I sighed and played with the ends of my shirt. "I'll go. If there's a small chance of finding what we need, then I'll go with."

Charlie sighed and said, "Thank you, both of you. We don't get along, but we need to take this risk. And for once, I'll behave." I was skeptical, but she seemed willing enough. Michelle sighed and added in, "And we won't bring up Connor or Xain right now either. Let's just focus and getting ready as soon as possible."

"I'm going," Katrina abruptly stated. I glanced at her curiously, causing her to sigh. "I just don't like leaving the village when it's winter. I hate the cold."

Emily giggled. "Don't we all?"

Katrina bit her lip before looking to Michelle. "So, you had lunch in mind? I'll help out."

Michelle nodded and grinned. "It's one of my favorite meals. You two like fruit, don't you?" She looked to Emily and I, who nodded silently. We couldn't help but feel a little nervous around Michelle especially.

There was just something really unsettling about her "genuine" smiles.


When the meal was finished, Michelle was passing out plates that looked like a fruit salad with some kind of seasoning. Michelle inhaled her own plate and sighed happily. "Wild apples, papaya and pineapple; so good."

I tilted my head before glancing down at my own plate. It didn't look unappetizing, but I had never had pineapples before.

Emily nudged me and grinned. "Don't tell me you've never tried that fruit before!"

I huffed. "Of course I have! Save... The pineapple..."

Katrina brought a tea cup in the room and said, "Then you'll love it. I've mixed a special blend of lemongrass tea and green tea."

Emily raised an eyebrow. "Well, it certainly fits with the tart and sweet taste Michelle has going. I'll have a cup." I raised my hand a little. "As will I." Katrina chuckled and said, "At least try your food first."

I gulped a little before trying my first ever pineapple piece. I then tried another and another.

I found myself enjoying just how sweet pineapples were and eventually dug into the rest of the salad before all the pineapple pieces were gone. The seasoning made the rawness of the salad taste a lot better.

When I went for the tea, I ended up drinking several cups in total, and had at least two more platefuls of the salad.

I was stuffed and satisfied. Michelle may have been a childish girl, but she definitely had taste.

Katrina, who had a few platefuls herself, sighed and asked, "Do we leave at dawn?" Charlie nodded and sighed. "The storm is coming. We may only have but a few days to do this, so it is wise to leave tomorrow."

"So soon?" The words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them. Michelle sighed. "Being so young, I understand why you're hesitant of the dangers you might face."

"She'll be fine," Emily retorted. "I'll watch her and so will Katrina."

The woman in question nodded softly.

I blinked then asked, "Katrina, while we're off, can you teach me how to defend myself a little better?"

Katrina raised an eyebrow. "Connor and Xain aren't sufficient enough for you?" I shook my head. "No, not fight. Defend. I was told you're very fast and I wanted to learn a few tricks."

Katrina smirked and responded proudly, "I'd be happy to help. But for now, you should go home and rest up." Her eyes said what her mouth couldn't.

The Imprinted Maiden (18+)Where stories live. Discover now