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Zoe's POV:

"You guys, it's way too dark in here." Jade whispers as she clings to Faith.

Faith nods and looks around. "Why did you turn out all the lights, Zoe?"

Before I can answer, Demyx beats me to it. "Because what's the point of telling ghost stories if the lights aren't off?"

I hear Jade huff and see the outline of her body move closer to Faith. "True....but, I'm still scared."

I take out my flashlight and turn it on, holding out another one to her. "Relax, there's nothing to be scared of."

Faith takes the flashlight and turns it on, shining the light towards me and Demyx. "Easy for you to say. This is your house."

"Not to mention the bravest." Demyx adds, earning a giggle from Jade.

I shake my head. "Hmm, I didn't think Dave would be the scared one."

Demyx glares at me. "You're so mean to me, Daniel!"

Jade and Faith start giggling as I smirk at Demyx. I lean toward him, the light shining in my face.

"Oh? If you're not scared, then go to the kitchen and get a slice of cake, without turning on the lights." I say lowly.

Demyx gives me a look, but then his own mouth melts into a smirk of his own. He leans closer to me, our faces really close.

"I'll do your little challenge, Daniel. If you go with me~" he says slyly.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "I'm not going-"

"If you're not scared, then you'll do it!" Jade interrupts.

Faith smirks, clearly amused. "Yeah, go with him, Zoe!"

I glare at them. "Traitors."

Demyx leans back and smiles at Faith. "Let's make this interesting. If I go, everyone has to go!"

"I agree." I say quickly.

Faith shakes her head. "Nope. Not doing it."

"Why not? I know you want some cake too. So does Jade." I say.

"Hey! Don't put me in this!" Jade pouts.

I giggle and Demyx rolls his eyes. "I dare you to do it."

"Uh oh, now you guys can't back out." I taunt.

Jade throws her hands up. "Fine! You jerk!"

Faith reluctantly agrees. "Fiiiine. But, if we get possessed by a ghost, I'm going to haunt you, Zoe!"

I raise my arms. "Okay. But, keep in mind: I'm not the one who dared you."

Demyx chuckles and rolls off of my bed, holding his flashlight. "Come on! Let's go!"

We slowly get off of the bed and stand behind him. He puts a finger to his lips, telling us to be quiet. We nod our heads and he slowly opens the door.

He peaks out into the hallway. I climb on his back and look around as well. Faith looks out over my head and Jade does the same to her.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ