And then there was the regular man who tried to constantly convince me to 'let him at it'. He wasn't old, but in his late forties I could tell, much younger than the other elderly creeps.

He smiled at me with his business suit undone, and his rather muscular chest showing. His caramel skin and buzz cut hair did complement him, but once I saw the shiny golden ring on his left hand, I immediately took back my compliments and instead replaced them with a few of my own recently learned terms of profanity in my mind.

"Come on Baby. Haven't you ever had a nice hookup? You look like the type, ya know with your hair and all-" I didn't hold back then as I finished wiping off the knife in my hands, and slammed the tip of it right between his fingers.

That sobered him up all right.

I smirked at him and leaned forward, making sure that the top buttons of my open shirt was now on full display for him. "You look like the type to have a wonderful wife at home, who probably wouldn't hesitate to join me in a game of slicing and dicing something that wouldn't be too nice if she found out you were here, flirting with a seventeen year old girl." I raised an eyebrow, yanking the knife out of the wood then as he gulped and took a drunken step back, fixing his tie with a cough.

"I, um- apologize for my, for my actions." He said, turning around as he stumbled to the door and pulled out his phone, walking out of the pub.

I found myself smirking afterwards as I continued cleaning the kitchenware. I also saw that the dirty old men weren't staring at me anymore, and their table was immensely quiet, and the only thing they decided to talk about was if anyone wanted to raise their bet or not.

"I see your out here already causing trouble." Jerry said, sliding into a seat as I chuckled and shook my head. "The trouble is not me, it's these rotten old men who haven't had any type of physical intercourse with either their Alzheimer's up wives at home, or just a woman in general."

Jerry chuckled and shook his head at me, as a somehow almost soft expression crossed his face. "So much has changed in you, I can see it. From the way your shaping yourself inside and out, it's an improvement from the first time we met." I finished the last glass from underneath the counter and smiled down at it.

"Well it's all thanks to you." I glanced up at him then, watching as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Don't go gushy on me now. We've got a lot to do today so pack a bag and meet me in the meeting room in five." I nodded as he stoop up from his chair and made his way to the poker table.

He said something to them, as they all sighed and got up to leave in their wheelchairs, walking chairs, and some even on prosthetic legs.

Before they could leave though, their eyes caught mine and they widened in almost fear as I brought back out the knife and acted like I was cleaning it off. 'Chop chop' I mouthed, flashing them a smile as they scurried out of the bar then.

More like run walked.

I then made my way to the back, opening the door as a familiar feeling set inside of me. Jackson's bed still lay the same it was as I walked over to my bed now and dug underneath it, grabbing my running shoes, and a cap then opening the drawer beside the bed and taking out the pocket knife I snatched off a random man one day.

Jerry didn't know I had it, and he didn't need to know for now. I had been learning how to use it, by watching some videos on line with the phone Jerry gave me.

I stepped out of the room then, making my way to the meeting room right beside it and knocking on the door as I heard a low 'come in' from Jerry.

Pushing the door open I gulped as an instant wave of nervousness dwelled in my system. I shouldn't still be acting this way, but just by walking into this room, where on many occasions something bad has happened, I can't help but feel that way again.

Innocent TortureWhere stories live. Discover now