100 Rewind

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This came to me as I was writing the Tony Nominations chapter AFTER I had pretty much finished 100a. This is a different take on the day she receives the letter.

I sat in the living room sorting the mail, I was expecting a letter from Ryan's family this week and it hadn't come. Instead I got a letter from an unknown address. I opened it and it read:

Dear Ms Miranda,

My name is Charles Stauss and I was contracted by your father a long time ago to keep track of your daughter Ryan. Once the Bishops contacted you I thought my job was done. I regret to inform you that the Bishops have now moved and so I wanted to let you know they are now in England.* I am not sure how long it will take for you to get mail from the UK so I thought I would give you a heads up. Do not worry, Ryan is still in good hands but is now out of the United States.


Charles M. Strauss

When I finished the letter tears where flowing down my cheeks and I scrubbed at the angrily. I was so pissed off that I didn't even think as I grabbed my phone and hurried out of the house. I had to get out of there and I had to think.

I didn't realize where my feet were taking me until I reached a house I recognized all to well. It was where I had spent many horrible days and nights growing up, it was Al & Sandy's old place. No one was currently living there so I let myself in with the key that was always kept under the mat. The house still smelled of smoke and alcohol.

I first passed the couch where I had curled up on after I was raped that night, the night Ryan was conceived. The place where I had been yelled at and beaten too many times to count. I kicked at it now and sighed when I felt better after kicking it.

I moved on in my tour to the bedroom Al & Sandy shared. It was now deserted as someone had taken out the bed and other furnishings. I for the first time let a scream escape my lips as I felt the wave of sadness, anger, and despair wash over me.

This was the room that I had lost my innocence in. A place that men took from me that one thing I could never get back. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket but I chose to ignore it. I sat down in the middle of the room where the bed had been and continued to sob and scream until I felt myself getting sick.

After I finished throwing up in the bathroom I made my way down the hall to my old room. I noticed that it hadn't been touched since I had left the night of the accident. The few clothes I had, the books, and everything else was there. I picked up one of my notebooks and chuckled at how naïve I was back then. My phone began ringing in my pocket but I ignored it. I was still very much angry with everyone and I didn't care if they found me ever again.

I didn't know how long I had been there when there was a loud knock on the door and people talking outside. I tuned them out as I continued to look through the book I had found stuffed in Al & Sandy's office. It contained photos of me from when I was younger. I don't know why they had these but it made me wish I could ask them.

"Lin what makes you think she is here?" I could hear someone asking from outside the house. I sighed knowing that they would figure out it was open soon enough. I would have to face the music. I still was very angry with him so I knew this would not be a good meeting.

"I just feel it, plus we checked everywhere else. Vanessa stayed home just in case she went back there. I saw the note Chris, she is angry and hurt. She must hate us right about now."

He wasn't too far from the truth at that point, I was really angry and maybe did hate them a little. They had kept something BIG from me for a long time now, something I should've been apart of.

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