Hair Fun

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We made it to the theater just as the people were lining up for the show. We made it through the stage door with little more than a nod from the door guy. I don't think peole realized who we were with our new hair do's.

I snuck up behind Groff "BOO!"

He turned around and laughed "Who the hell are you? Where did my Dania go. Oh wait did you do something to your hair..I love it! I love all of your hair do's, you guys look so cute. You do realize though kiddo that you might have to wear it up or wear a wig on stage? Mermaid hair wasn't a thing back then."

I shrugged "I'll do whatever I'm told. I just love my hair and I cannot wait to show it to Papi."

"Show me...DANIA LIN MIRANDA" he said in utter shock. "What on earth did you do to your hair?"

"I got it colored Papi, I promise it's not permanent. I just wanted to try something different. Do you not like it?" I asked worried.

"Kiddo I love it, I was just taken aback is all" he promised. "You are beautiful and I love you no matter what."

Later that night Dr Wilson came to pick up Katie. Her reaction to her daughter's hair was not as good as Papi's had been. She walked over to Katie and glared.

"What the HELL did you do to your hair? I told you that you are never allowed to color you hair and yet you did it! Also you cut your beautiful long locks, you are in so much trouble!" Dr Wilson snapped.

"Mom come on it looks really good! Plus I was tired of the old do and I needed something fun for the summer months. I will grow it back out eventually but I really like it" Katie said sighing.

"You are so grounded when we get home! Say goodnight to the girls and we will finish this conversation at home" Dr Wilson said.

We all said goodbye to Katie and then went to find Chris as I was going home with him and Skye tonight.

"So I take it Katie's mom didn't like her hair?" he asked as we drove toward their place.

I nodded "Yeah it was bad. I bet we won't be hearing from her much outside of school. I think Dr Wilson is sometimes just a bit too strict. I am glad you and Lin are cool with our new hair styles."

"I think you both look fab in them" Chris said smiling. "Still not sure what you will do on show day but that will come up another time. Tonight we are going to eat junk food and binge watch whatever you two want to watch."

I laughed "I think we decided on Game of Thrones since we have all seen through season 3 now. We have to get ready for season 4!''

"OH YES!" Skye grinned. "I cannot wait to see what comes next for the people of Westeros."

We watched almost all the first half before calling it a night. Tomorrow would be another day!


Chapter 100 is now in the tank!!!!! If you don't know what I mean by that, it is now on wattpad but unpublished. I call it my tank because it's where I work on stories while I'm at work(on break ofc!) or otherwise am out and about and want to have something to write on. Also the other two leading up to it are in the tank as well. This will be my last chapter to post today as I want to post 100 umm next week. Don't kill me but there will be a day without a chapter? I have a valid reason behind it <eg>

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