the bestfriend #1

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I was probably five or six when I first met Dylan.

Me and my, at the time, non dysfunctional family were in America on our annual vacation and the O'Brien family lived next door to our families holiday home.

We met that very first day of vacation, bonding over Pokemon and our love for whatever music our fathers listened to. We didn't really understand much then, but it didn't matter.

Dylan has been in my life for as long as I can remember he is part of every precious memory of my childhood that I can recall. No matter if it was simple things like shopping, hanging by the pool, or taking trips to the beach. Playing with Barbies, racing tricycles or climbing trees, we were always together, and more importantly, we were never ever bored.

Dylan had been there for me through all my awkward stages, held my hand when things went wrong, and laughed at every joke I made and he still does to this very day. He was there when things were tough following my multiple mental breakdowns and health assessments.

Truth be told, he is not really my friend. He's always been more like family; he knows all the inside family jokes of mine and I know where he hides the good food so his dad won't eat it all. I've have been to so many family get togethers with his family, that I know all of his family, including the extended cousins who come in just for Christmas and New Years.

Even though, at some points of our lives, we weren't in the same city, or even the same state, our friendship has never weakened. Sometimes we were on completely opposite sides of the world but it never was allowed to ruin our life long friendship.

No news report or rumour could separate us either.

We could easily go weeks, even months, without seeing each other, and as soon as we are together again it's like nothing has changed, the second we were reunited we would sit in silence and just enjoy each other's company, talking endlessly for hours without being interrupted by the outside world; whatever we spoke about didn't matter. Weather or random shit included.

We can fight like crazy and make up two seconds later; but that's just our friendship in a nutshell.

Our friendship is no where near perfect, sure we have grown up together and, sometimes, we have disagreed because we may not have the same faith, we have minor fuck ups and arguments, challenges or troubles that come our way in bucket loads these days but we always come out stronger than before.

I mean hell, Dylan has seen me cry, scream and shout; a ridiculously ugly sight and laugh so hard that I snort uncontrollably but I know that no matter where life takes us, he will always remind me of my greatest moments, as well as my most embarrassing ones because that is what a best friend does; that's what mine has done for me my entire life and I know that it's never going to change.

And I'm perfectly okay with that.

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