Chapter 41

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Harry came back in from the kitchen with a mug of hot coffee for Julie and tea for himself. They had both showered already, and he had started a fire in the fireplace in their room. He stood back a minute when he saw Julie looking out of the window. She looked beautiful in the moonlight and leaning against the window frame. Her dark hair still wet from her shower hanging over her shoulders. Her face make up free seemed more relaxed than he had ever seen. Her shoulders didn't look as tense. Until now he'd never realized how stressed she used to be all the time. He smiled as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arm with her coffee around her. "Hot coffee to warm you up, love." He said as he sipped his tea. He kept his arm around her waist when she leaned back against him.

"Thanks, babe."  She took a sip. "Hot, white, and sweet. Just like me. Just how I like it." She giggled.

Harry laughed. "Yeah, baby. Just like you." He kissed the top of her head.

"Are you saying I'm not hot or sweet? 'Cuz you can't argue with the white." Julie teased.

"Oh, you're hot. Even in sweats, a big sweater, no make-up and wet hair." Harry chuckled.

"Oh, you think you're being so funny right now, don't you?" Julie elbowed him in the stomach.

He set his tea down, took her mug and set that down also. He turned her towards him. "I'm being serious." He looked down at her. He ran his thumb over her cheek bone. "You really are feeling better, aren't you?"

She looked up at him. "I don't know if better is the right thing to say, but I feel like it's ok to feel the way I do sometimes. It will be hard, Harry. I will struggle with it all. I will most likely have set backs. But my therapists are helping me accept that I shouldn't be ashamed of my feeling overwhelmed and feeling scared. I will try to share more of what I'm feeling. Especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed. But I have to ask you to be patient. I think things will continue to get better; that's the goal. But I know there may be times when I just can't deal, where I make mistakes."

He took her face in his hands and ran his thumbs over her lips. "I'm here for you whenever I can be. And I'm only a phone call away when you need me. I know the tour starting won't be the best timing." He said.

She smiled. "I knew what you did for a living before we started dating Harry. I know you have to go out on tour, and I know that means we will be a part a lot. I know that it's going to be hard not to be able to come to you when I need you. Especially when you're a world away. And sometimes, I may be a little annoyed by that fact. But nothing will change how I feel about you. Just make sure if a long-distance relationship becomes too much, you let me know."

"Hey, don't think like that." He played with the hair on her shoulders. "I love you. An ocean and plane ride aren't going to change that. But let's not worry about that. We will handle whatever is thrown our way. Let's just live in the moment while we have time together."

She smiled again. She was worried. And after the tour started, they would be on the opposite sides of the world, especially the first couple of months. But if they could get through those couple of months than the rest wouldn't be so bad. "I can do that." She would try anyway. "Have anything in mind for the now?"

"Oh, I have ideas. Remember what we talked about at the diner?" He asked leaning towards her.

"Hmmmm," she wrinkled her lips. "I can't seem to remember. Maybe you should remind me." She said backing up from him a little.

"Oh, really?" He said stepping towards her. "Your memory is that bad, huh?"

"Yep," she said stepping out of his reach. "I'm getting old."

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