"P-please don't hurt m-me." She begged, tears running down her cheeks as she looked up at me and as I began to assure her that I wasn't going too, instead my mouth formed to say something else.

"Don't worry my dear child. I'd never hurt you." The voice said, sounding awfully familiar as I then felt my breathing halter for a second and I closed my eyes as I started gasping for air as it felt like something walked through me.

As I opened my eyes once I was able to breath again, I then saw someone in front of the girl. That someone made tears form in my eyes as I saw the back of their head.

I stepped around, slowly as I didnt want my thoughts to be true. And as I finally ended up on the side of the little girl, I saw her face.

My mother was right in front of me.

"Momma would never hurt you." She said, smiling up at me then as I felt my chest burn, and I screamed at the aching pain.

My breaths were heavy as I peeled open my eyes and blinked away the blurriness. The dream was still evident in my mind as I ran my hand across my forehead with a shaky hand, wiping away the sweat that accumulated there.

I then glanced around the room, noticing the familiar scenery. It was the room of the pub, and just as I turned to see a hospital machine did I realize that it was beeping. My heart was also still pummeling against my chest just like in the dream, and by what it said on the machine it wasn't fake.

Just then the door opened and in walked a man the familiar man in a white overcoat; Along with Jerry, Markus and Jackson. Then a woman who had a cup of water on a tray came in last.

"Splendid, you're up." The man smiled at me as he took down some notes from the machine, and then pressed a button as I felt my body loosen up seconds after he'd pressed it.

I relaxed into the pillow as he pressed another button on the bed as I was being pushed up to a sitting position. "Hello again Ebony." He extended his hand to me as I shook it, and as I began to ask the inevitable question of why I was here, my voice came out scratchy and dry.

"No need to worry, you're just dehydrated." He looked over to the nurse as she came forward and handed me a cold glass of water. I sipped some down, before noticing the looks everyone in the room was giving me. They gave me that look that held only pity of some sort, as if I drank too fast I'd end up hurting myself.

So as I began to put the cup down after a small sip, the doctor then stopped me with a smile. "We need you hydrated to get better my dear." I noticed the way his grey eyes flashed a sort of understanding type of look as I brought the cup back to my lips and sipped the rest of it down, feeling refreshed.

"Now, you may want to know what's going on." He began as the nurse took the glass from me with a smile, and shuffled away to leave the room.

"Yes, I do." I tried my voice as it came out shaky but better than before. The doctor chuckled and flipped through some papers. "Well, what it says here is that you've suffered from a mild concussion." He briefly looked up to me and my head, before continuing. "What Jackson also has told me is that you fell and hit your head pretty bad. Which caused said concussion of course." As I glanced in Jackson's direction, I noticed the way Jackson avoided looking at me as the doctor spoke.

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