Part 44

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We walk into the arena, our hands into each other.

Our hands fits perfect, like they're made for each other.

How can such a perfect love, be so hard?

Our love feels natural but It's like we're the only people in the world who thinks this.

My thoughts flew away when I heard voices shouting at us.

"(Y/N)! So good to see you!" Louis walks to me with his arms open.

He gives me a big hug. He's followed by the rest of the boys except Liam.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asks.

"We're so sorry, we didn't expect.."

"Hey guys I'm alright. I always wanted to know how I'd look as a horror character anyway."

"That's why I love you buddie." Niall says while taking me over his shoulder. He walks away with me to the dressing room.  The other boys follow us. 

Niall puts me down and I see Liam looking at me.

"(Y/N) how are you doing love? Did you got a bit of sleep? Do you need anything?"  He asks.

"I'm okay, Liam. Thank you." I say while hugging him.

"We were afraid something bad happend to you."

"Just a couple tomatoes." I say.

He smiles at me and pulls me in another hug. He turns around and looks at Sophia.

She walks over to me.

"Hey, good to see you're alright!" She says while giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you Soph." I say.

To be honest, I sound happier than I am. I don't want the boys to worry about me. They have enough things to think about. I won't say I'm lying, I'm acting. But for good reasons.

Harry comes besides me and takes me in his arms.

"You're lucky with a boyfriend like him. He really loves you." Sophia says.

"I know." I say while looking into Harry's eyes. 

"Look at the lovebirds!" Zayn shouts.

We all start laughing. 

"Boys, I don't want to interrupt but you have to rehearsal." Paul says.

"Okay!" The boys say and follow Paul.

Harry turns around to me.

"You gonna be alright?"

"Yep! I'm here with Sophia." I say looking at her.

"I won't leave her alone." Sophia says.

"Ok, thanks. I'll be back as soon as I can." He gives me a kiss on my forehead and walks away.

I turn around to Sophia. 

"Let's have a seat!" She says.


Sophia opens her mouth like she wanted to say something, but closes it again. It's quiet for a while.

"I know how it feels, you know." She starts.

I look at her in confusing.

"Are you sure everything is alright? You've been smashed with tomatos, you had to escape.

I know how fans can be."

She looks at me but I look away. I hear concern in her voice.

"I've never been physical hurted but I know than when it happens, I wouldn't be able to handle it like you." She says.

"When I started dating Liam, people said I was horrendous. Some of them think I deserve to be dead." She says.

"Tomatoes hurt you know, but words hurt so much more." I hear my voice cracking.

"I know." She almost whispers.

"It's not the tomatoes or my dirty clothes. It's the humiliation. Pictures of me all over the internet. The whole world have seen me. People are calling me names and say I'm a liar..." I didn't noticed I start crying.

"I love him so much Sophia. But I don't know how long I can hold this." I finally look her in the eyes. She looks anxiously.

"Hey hey, It's hard I know. But don't ever give up on him."

"I don't know.."

"You haven't seen him this afternoon." She interrups me.

I look at her.

"When he heard what happened... He stopped what he was doing and wanted to run to you. He was going crazy If he didn't got to see you. Management didn't want to let him go, but Harry told them to not to take over his life. Liam has never seen him like this. He wasn't thinking, his heart made decisions for him. It was you and only you he cared about on that moment. It may be hard, but without him.. It's gonna be much worse."

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