Part 1

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I'm best friends with Harry Styles. The boys had some time off and Harry loves to spend this time with me.
He's the kind of  best friend I can call at 3am, who sings songs when I can't sleep, who brings my favorite starbucks when I'm studying,  I go on tour with,  where I can cry all night because a lame boy dumped me, ... He's the best friend someone can wish. And I'm proud to call him mine. I like him. Yes like. I never use the word 'love' but I know Harry will always be more special than any other boy in my life.
There's just one thing I don't like that much. The girls.. The many girls he has. Now he's in One Direction there are many girls who wants him, and almost every night he takes another girl home. 

It's 2pm and I hear a knock on the door. Harry and I go out to our favorite tearoom. One day we were walking by and the curious duo we are, we wanted to know what whas happening inside. Since that day, when we ate the best 'moyeux au chocolate' in our lives, we go almost every week. It's just a thing we do.
It's the best tearoom in London so we always have to que. It's like whole London wants to eat a cake at the same time as we.  While waiting, we play the "Guess-game", what means I have to guess what he is going to order and otherwise. We invented the came in one of our long waitings.
It's fun because we know each other so well, we mostly guess right.
After the long que, I finally have my chocolatecake and Harry his banana pie. We walk over to a calm corner in the building and sit down. 

"Sooo.. Who was it last night?" I ask with a smile.
"Emma." He says proudly.
"Good?" I ask, and one word is enough to understand each other.
"Very good!" He says with a grimace from one ear to his other.
"You'll see her again tonight?" I ask while taking another bit from my cake.
Harry looks at me and burst out.  "(Y/N) You know my rules! Haha."
"Haha. Right, your rules. How can I forget these!"  I say, and we both laugh.

Harry has his own 'rules'. He never sleeps twice with the same girl, he don't give them his number, just one night and It was over. I always thought his rules were ridiculous and he should get a relationship with a girl who truly loves him. Someone who could calm him down and make him feel what real love is.
But anyway, we always have fun when he tells me about his last girl. There's always something she does wrong.

"And what was her disadvantage this time?" I ask laughing, because I know he always find something.

"She was too loud! I mean, there's nothing wrong with a good portion of noise but the whole neighbourhood knew I was there. She couldn't shut up." He says.

We both laugh and finish our cake and pie.
We decide to go to '1922', our favorite store. It's a shop in a small street in London, where they have old stuff. But we like to walk there because it's calm and we have beautiful memories here. We can walk there for hours and just make fun of everything.
We always stop at the mirror who makes you look so fat.  We can't get enough of this one.

A bit later we walk home. I've been trying to avoid this subject the whole afternoot but I think It's time 
that we have the conversation.

"Harry..." I start.

"Yes babe?"

"Ehm you know our school does an exchange program, so the english students go 2 months to America and the americans come over here? I've told you about it."

"Yeah I remember."

"I talked about It with my parents, and we decide that I'm going with them. It's a huge chance for me and my mom said I had to take it."

"What?! But (Y/N) you can go to America with me all the time. You don't need school." He raises his voice.

"School is actually important Haz, and I think it's a good thing for me. Being away from it all."

"Okay, that's all true but how do I have to survive without my best friend." Pouts his lips.

"Haha I'm sure your other girls will help you out." I say.

"But they're not you." 

"Everything will be okay. I'll be back before you know it and I promise to call you every day. Fuck timezones."

"That's my girl!" He says  with a big, big smile.


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