Part 34

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I open my eyes after a difficult night. I fell asleep around 2am and woke up 30 minutes later. 

When I close my eyes, I still see Tom's face, I still feel his hands, I still hear his words.

Only when I'm really tired I'm able to fall asleep. 

It's 6:30am now. I look at my side to find Harry sleeping peacefully.

I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom.

The pain fades away everyday. But the pain in my heart stays.

I never thought the boys I've loved so much would do this to me.

The boy who saved me in the rain.


It's my 3d week in America. I really enjoy being here. 

It makes me feel free. I made new friends and my guest-family are really nice.

But most of all I'm happy to be away from Harry.

I miss him with my whole heart, but I had to take some time for myself.

I've been loving Harry for years now. Since the day he walked me home.

He's just so charming and cheeky. He always makes me laugh.

I can trust him like no one. 

But he's my best friend. And everyone knows you shouldn't fall in love with your best friend.

I'm sitting on the edge of a rock looking at the water.

We got a task for biology to find 5 different flowers in the wood. On the weather report they said it would be raining the next days so I went tonight.

It's good to be alone with my thoughts.

I've been sitting here for an hour now and I decide to walk back before it's too dark.

I'm walking trough the trees. Did I came from this side or.. I look around to find my way back.

I think It's that way. I walk to my left. I hear the clouds making noises.

"Oh god, please don't start to rain." I say.

I start running  -where I think-  home. Trees trees trees everywhere. 

I starting to realise I lost my way.


I starts to rain harder and harder. 

I'm sitting down on a tree to hide from the rain. I take out my phone.

No achievement. Great.

I silently start to cry. I'm desperate. I hold my head in my hands.

I'm listening to the rain. 

Suddenly, I hear something else.

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N)!!" I look to find the voice that's screaming my name.

Between the trees I see a man running up to me.

"(Y/N)!!" I recognize a boy from my class. We haven't talked before. I don't even know his name.

He's finally beside me.

"Hey, I live across the lake and saw you running around. I came as fast as I could."

"Thank you so much. I didn't know what to do."

"Come with me." He says while smiling to me.

He takes my hand and we run to his house. His house is big. It's almost a castle.

He let me take a shower and gives me clothes from his sister.

After this he made me some dinner and brought me home. 

I'm overwhelmed by his sweetness.

"Thanks Tom." I say again while hugging him.

"You're welcome (Y/N). See you tomorrow."

*End of flashback.*

A tear streams down my face. From the first second it was a lie. He's nothing but I liar.

He used me. He lied to me. He never cared about me.

I wipe away my tears and look up to the mirror.

I have more color on my cheeks then I had in the elevator.

I'm starting to recognize myself again. But I'm not myself yet. 

I'm not the girl anymore I was one week ago. 

But I'll do everything to be that girl again, for Harry.


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