Part 18

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Harry's pov.

I wake up. I look at (Y/N), she's still sleeping. She looks like a princess, my princess. I give her a kiss on her cheek and get up. We have to practise "Best song ever" for tonight. It's sad (Y/N) and I can't spend many time together, we've busy schedules. But she's here with me and that's most important. I'm happy she has Lou. They love shopping together.

After practise I go the the management. Knock knock. I'm really nervous. I have no idea how they'll react. "Come in." I take a deep sigh and go inside.

"Aaaaah mr Styles. What do you need?"

"I want to tell you something." I say as confident as possible.

"Tell." They all look at me. They're with 3 people. 

"I have a girlfriend for 2 weeks now." They try to smile but they're not sure about it.


"(Y/N)." I look them straigt in the eyes when I say her name. They sigh.

"I knew it." The woman says.

They look at each other.

"We can't accept this."

"You'll have to. She's coming to the brit awards tonight." They're eyes widened.

"WHAT? She won't! We'll call someone to be your date but not that fat pig."

"What? She's perfect!" I couldn't believe my ears. She's not even close to fat.

The women stands up and walks outside.

"No no no. She can't come. If you really want to date that..." He's interupted by my glare.

"Her, you have to keep it a secret."


"She can't be seen." The women walks in. 

"I've called Cara. She was here for a fashion show and comes over!" She smiles at me like I should be happy about it.

"I'll take (Y/N) with me."

"You're sure about that? Isn't there some guy named Tom she doesn't want to meet anymore?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"We have his number. If you don't want us to call him I should get up and get dressed. You have dinner with Cara tonight, then we all take the plane together to London."

I shake my head.

"You're unbelievable." I stand up and walk away. How could they? (Y/N) is terrified about meeting Tom again. She never wants to see him again. 

"Flashback last week*

(Y/N) is laying on my chest, I'm reading the story of Peter Pan out loud. She's in love with this story.

She loves listening to my voice when I'm reading. I'm interupted by her phone.

Bzzzz. bzzzz bzzzz.

She opens the text messages. I see the smile on her face fade away. Her mouth opens and she looks at me. Her eyes are filling with tears. I take the phone and read the messages.

"I wasn't ready with you either. - Tom."

"Can't wait till you're in America.- Tom."

"You gonna fuck me one more time. - Tom."

I look at her. She looks in shocked and tears are streaming down on her face. 

I hug her. 

"Hey babe. As long as I'm around nothing will happen. You're save okay?"

"I don't want anything to happen to you either."

"It won't." 

I sing her in sleep. It takes a long time but after a while she falls asleep. I'll take care of her.

*End of flashback.*

I get dressed and walk back to the lobby. I guess (Y/N) will come back soon.

"Harry." I hear her screaming. I turn around and she jumps on me.

"You make me the happiest girl in the world." And kisses me.  These words give me a warm feeling, but I realise I have to tell her about Cara.

"Finally found you." A girl says. I turn around to see Cara. Oh no. I think. I see the oldest man of the management in my eyecorner. He's waving with his phone to me.. I can't believe him but I try to be as friendly as possible.

"Hey babe." I feel guilty towards (Y/N) I look at her and she's looking confused. Oh what am I doing to her. I decide to just tell her.

"Ehm management doesn't want us to come out yet."  

"Oh fine babe, I can come as your best friend." I see the hope in her eyes.

"Ehm yeah but they called Cara to be my date tonight." And the hope fades away. I can tell she's hurt. I feel like the worst boyfriend in the world.

"Oh , sure. Fine." Is she serious? Maybe she takes it better than I thought.

"You don't mind?" I ask hoping she doesnt.

"Sure, I mean there will be other events later." She's right, there will be many others. I want to believe she doesn't mind, but I know her, she's my best friend, my soulmate, she does care.

Cara asks her to join us for dinner but she doesn't want. I wish she came with us. I really don't want to spent the night with Cara. There's only one girl I want to hold in my arms and it's (Y/N). But now she's gonna be home alone when I'm having dinner and go to the brits with a model. It feels like I'm cheating..

Your pov

After a couple minutes I realise I have to take the plane with the boys and Cara tonight. 

We should take the plane to the uk and at the airport there will be a helicopter waiting to bring the boys to the arena. They have a couple days off then. I'm not really sure about taking the plane with them, but I have no choice. I walk in the bathroom and look into the mirror. My eyes are red and puffy. My make up is everywhere. I take of my clothes till I'm in lingerie. I check myself out in the mirror. My legs aren't the skinniest and I only have a flat belly when I lay down. It's not a suprise Harry prefers to go to the show with Cara. Maybe that's what Harry wants to tell me. He wants me to be like her. I hop into the shower, still crying. I come out and put some comfortable clothes on. I put some make up on again and refuse to cry again. I don't want them to see how I feel. I start packing my things.  I see Harry's things are already packed. What are they doing now? He won't cheat on me right? We're together since 2 weeks.. I hate that management.

Knock Knock.

Who'll that be?  I walk to the door. I open the door and see Lou standing there with all the hairdresser matrial and with a big smile. I sigh and turn around and walk back to the bed. 

"Hey hey what's going on? It's your night."

"It's Cara's night." I say.

She looks at me in confusion. 

"Management didn't want us to come out yet so they called Cara and now Harry and Cara go to the brit awards together and I stay home alone." My parents have a busy job and aren't home al lot.

"What?! What did Harry say?"

"He said 'you don't mind right?' and they're having dinner together now." Tears are filling my eyes again. 

"I can't believe that! I'll be right back." She stands up and walk to the door.

"Don't tell Harry.." I yell.

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