Part 6

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Your Pov

"But, I love you."

I was running away when I heard those words. I love you. I've always wanted to hear those words coming out his mouth. I stop. Not doing anything. Tears start filling my eyes.

I turn around. We're looking in each other eyes. He's crying by now.

"I'm sorry." He says coming closer to me.

"I'm sorry for being a dick. I should accept you're happy with him but I love you. I love you I love you." He says breaking out in tears. His voice is cracking. I have never seen him like this before.

"Shh" I say, giving him a hug.

A tear leaves my eyes. I am suprised by how I manage to stay strong.

"Maybe we can try being friends again. I'm so sorry but I can't let Tom fall right now." I start crying too. I don't know If I want what I'm saying.

"I understand, but as long as I'm with you, even just as a friend, I'll be fine." He gives me a weak smile.

I smile at him and fall in his arms. We stay like this for another minute till I start thrilling. At this time It's getting cold and we decide to go home.

He walks me home, like we used to.

The next day Tom and I are about to go to a restaurant with his family,

what means his mom, dad, sister and his granny. I haven't met them yet. When I was in America Tom thought It was too early. I still think It's early but whatever.

When I got back last night, Tom and I had a fight. He was mad because I went out at 1:30am to visit Harry. It seems like he's still not over it because he doesn't say a lot to me. He has a point but I just didn't want to lose Harry. I still don't want to.

I really don't know what to wear to meet his family. So I put on the dress Harry would say I had to, his favorite dress.  I wore it once to a party where he took me and he absolutly loved it! He said the whole night how beautiful I looked.

I stand in front of the mirror. I kinda look good in it and I feel comfortable. I start to put my make-up on when Tom walks into the room. His eyes scan the dress and I am curiously waiting on his reaction.

"Are you seriously gonna wear that?" He asks. Wow not what I expected.

"Ehm, y-yeah why?" 

"Just asking." He strugs. He sits down on the bed and pays attention to his phone.

"No, you're not just asking. If  you don't like it you better tell me now than afterwards babe."

"It's a pretty dress, but you know, they'll think you're kinda a whore." His eyes are still focused on his stupid phone. What is he doing on it anyway?

I look up. Normally I like It when he says everything that's on his mind, but now I am not in the mood.

"Eh so I look like a whore now?" I try to stay calm. He's probably still annoyed with the Harry-thing last night.

"Not for me, but ehm they have a different style, I think.." He finally looks up to meet my eyes.

"Oh. Should I change?"

He looks to the dresses in my closet.

"Ehm maybe not, it could be worse, right." And he walks away.

Leaving me with my mouth open.

30mins later I go downstairs.

"Waw babe you look stunning." 

But, I love you.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum