Part 32

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We just started the movie when there is a knock on the door.

For a moment we look at each other, confused.

"Come in." I say. (Y/N) takes my hand and holds it tightly. I look at her

"Everything will be alright."  I whisper. We hear someone entering the room and we turn around to face them. A man around 30 years old and a woman, around 40 walk in. They smile polite to us. We can tell by their clothes that they're from the police.

"Hello miss. Is it possible to ask you some questions?" 

(Y/N)'s eyes widen. She looks at me, bit scared. 

"Y-yeah." She stutters. I tighten my grip on her hand.

"I'm sorry mr Styles, but can you leave the room?" (Y/N) immediatly looks up to me. She softly shakes her head. 

"No.." She whispers.

"Babe, he's from the police. He won't do anything to you." I try to calm her down.

Her eyes leave mine, to the police man, and they land back on me.

"Ehm is it possible that the women asks her questions?" I ask.

I feel a sigh of relief from (Y/N).  I look at her and give a small wink.

"Thanks" She mouths.

"Yeah, we understand." The police man gets up and leaves the room. I give (Y/N) a small kiss and follow the man.

We're waiting in the same chairs as I waited last night. The police man pulls out his phone and concentrates him on the phone. My thoughts keep running around.

I hope (Y/N) is ok. I'm happy to have her back in my arms. For a moment I thought I lost her last night. The feeling it gave me hurted, hurted so much. I take my head in my hands. I hear someone walking closer and look up to the nurse.

"Hello, (Y/N) can go home tonight if she wants."

I smile to her.


After a couple minutes the police women comes back.

"Thanks for waiting. You can go back."

I nod and walk back to (Y/N)'s room. I see her sitting on her bed. Starring at the window.

"Are you okay?" I ask worried.

"Yeah, I j-just wanna go home." Some tears fall from her cheeks.

I walk up to hear and take her tears away with my thumb.

"You can go home tonight."

"Really?" A big smile appears from her face. A smile I haven't seen anymore the last hours.

I give her a kiss on her lips. She tries to kiss back. She kisses me really carefull. 

"Can we go now?"

I laugh and nod to her.


I help her to get her clothes on and we walk hand in hand out of the hospital. We take our time cause (Y/N) walks slowly. She's still hurt when she walks.

I come close to her ears and whisper.

"I have a suprise for you tonight." She snaps her head away and looks at me in shock.

She shakes her head.

"No no no! Not that baby!" I say trying to calm her down.

She stares at me and seems to trust me again. 

"Ok." She whispers.

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