Part 41

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Harry's pov

I've been texting (Y/N) since this morning and still didn't got an answer.

She must been going out and forgot her phone. It wasn't the first time this happened.

My phone buzzes the whole time. Every time I think I got a text from her but It's twitter.

I put my mentions off and go back rehearsing.

Something feels wrong, maybe I'm just nervous for tonight.

I didn't notice I was dreaming until someone interupted me.

"Haz? Are ya comin mate. We gonna have some lunch!" Niall says.

"Ehh yeah I'm coming!" I say while walking towards the rest of the boys.

We're sitting in the bar eating some chicken.

Niall Is telling a story and everyone Is listening.

"And then I stepped on It.." Laughs are filling the room. Niall Is a master In telling stories. He always does stupid but hilarious things.


"I'm excited for the show tonight. Our lives are Incredible." Liam says.

"Yeah, It's not normal." Niall adds.

"But I don't wanna do anything else." I add.

"Me either." They say at the same time.

"Is (Y/N) coming to the show tonight? Sophia will be here, then she doesn't have to be alone." Liam asks me.

"Yeah. I-I think so. She didn't text me back yet."

"She'll be fine. I bet she's shopping again." Louis says with a cheeky smile.

"Big chance!" I say.

"Boys back to work If you wanna smash It tonight." Paul yells.

"We're coming!"

We go back to the stage and start performing 'They don't know about us'.

This song always reminded me of (Y/N). In the beginning of our relationship we had to keep everything quiet. Sometimes we had to do crazy things to meet each other.

After singing they don't know about us 3 times we sang some other songs.

And before we knew, It  was already 4pm, time for the meet & greets. 

While walking to the M&G room I quickly check my phone.

1 message.

From: Kitten

"Ehm I won't come over tonight. Don't feel well. xx"

What happened? Relax Harry, maybe she's on her period. 

No wait, she had her period last week.. Maybe she's sick?

I have to take care of her when she is.

to: Kitten

"What's going on? Are you sick? Come over, I can take care of"

It's 5 minutes till the first fans arrive. I'm sitting on a chair, my legs are shaking.

No answer , no answer , no answer , no answer. It seems to be ages till she answers.

"Guys, the M&G is about to start."

I get up and throw my phone in my pants.

The first 2 directioners are coming in.

"Hiiii, nice to meet you." I say while hugging one of the girls.

They hug all the boys and we take a picture.

Then they leave and other fans walk in.

"Hi Harry. I'm so sorry about what happened to (Y/N) today." She says with a sad expression.


"What are you talking about?" I see the other boys come over to us.

"You don't know?" The girl asks. I look to the other boys and we all share confused expressions.

"What happened?" Zayn asks.

"Some fans found her in starbucks. She was talking to a waiter and when she came out they were waiting on her..." She trails off.

"And?" Louis asks. It's like I can't say anything. I just wanna know what happened.

"They threw tomatoes at her. The pictures are all over the internet." On that moment she shows me her phone. It's a picture of (Y/N). Everything is red and she seems to break down any minute.

Anger fills my blood. 

"This can't be true." I whisper.

The other boys look in shock.

"Where Is she?" I ask.

"I heard people saw her at the hotel." The girl answers honestly.

"I have to go." I say while walking away. I didn't care about the M&G anymore. All I care about right now Is (Y/N). She must feel terrible right now. I wasn't there for her, she got support from another boy/

I feel a strong arm stopping me.

"Harry, Is this a good idea?" Niall asks worried.

"I have to be with her, I have to see her Niall. No worries, I'll be back before the show starts. We'll be back."

"Okay, we'll do the M&G's and explain to everyone, they will understand.  Go to your girl mate, we take care of everything here. She needs you. "

"Thanks mate."

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