Part 13

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Harry's pov.

I'm sitting in my room thinking about yesterday. It's been a day without (Y/N) and it's already killing me.

"She's gonna choose Tom." I say to myself.

I can't just sit here doing nothing. She's probably at the airport now, with Tom.

Hugging him, kissing him, ... I shake my head to lose this disgusting vision.

I decide to go for a walk. 

I look into my mirror. My eyes are really red. It's obviously I've been crying. I don't want my mom to see me like this. I don't want to explain why I cried. I don't want her to think I'm a litlle boy.

I always tried to held my tears in front of people. I feel embarrased when I can't. 

There's only one person who I don't mind if she sees me in tears, (Y/N).

I just feel comfortable with her. She knows everything about me. She always supports me. She don't judge by what she reads in the papers. She's perfect.

I think how I can escape without my mom knowing. I look around my room. My eyes stop at my bed.

The sheets. 

When I escaped I walked straight to the parc. I'm not thinking about it, my legs just walk.

I don't know why, but a part of me had some hope to find (Y/N) on our bench.

I stop at our bench. Empty. I sigh and sit on the bench. I look at our names on the bench.

A single tear left my eyes. I stand up and walk to a three. I sit down and look around. I don't know where I'm looking for. Or maybe I do. I'm lost in my thoughts when I hear screaming. I want to ignore it but it becomes louder and louder. I turn around and see (Y/N) before our bench.

She sits on the ground, crying. Niall holds her in his arms.

She looks lost. I run towards her. 

"(Y/N)!" "(Y/N)"

She looks at me and starts smiling. She let go of Niall's grip and runs towards me.

She jumps in my arms. I never felt more happy in my life.

"You came back." I say.

"I'll always come back to you." She says. This gives me a save feeling.

I kiss her, the best kiss we ever shared.

After a few minutes the boys start to come over. They're smiling at me.

Liam says we better go home, because my mom's panicking. We all agree and start walking home.

This feels so right. (Y/N) in my arms. I wonder what happend with Tom. But I don't want to ruin our moment right now. I'm the luckiest guy on earth.

"(Y/N)! I knew it!" We hear someone yelling. We turn around to see it's Tom. I feel (Y/N) gasp. I get closer to defend her.

"I knew you dumped me for him." He looks waisted. You can smell the alcohol.

"Tom, go home. You drunk." (Y/N) says.

"I'm not going anywhere without you. You can't just dump me for a slut who sings in a gay boyband." I'm used to these comments. I try to ignore it, even I have to admit it hurts. People will always see me as a slut. 

"You cheated and used me." (Y/N) says. He cheated on her.. What the hell?? How can you cheat on the most gorgeous girl on earth.

"Whatever, he will cheat million times." And again a slut-insult. I'm sick of it. 

"I won't. I love her and no one else. I do care about her." I must have sound angry 'cause she says" Harry, just ignore him. We go home." I think it's the best solution and I nod.

We turn around to walk home.

"She's good in bed you know. It's the only thing she's good in." Tom yells. I feel myself tense up. This is not a way of speaking about a girl, especially not about MY girl.

"You don't speak like this about my girl." I say.

"Harry..." (Y/N) says trying to stop me. But I can't. I'm furious.

"Let's go home." Niall says but I ignore him.

"You don't take my girl away from me like this, Harry. I needed her. I fucking needed her to get in to the university of London!"

I roll my eyes. I want to turn around but on that moment he says "And to take care of my sexual needs." This is enough. I take one step closer and punch him in the face. Normally I won't do things like this. But now I can't stop myself. I turn around to go back to (Y/N).

"Harry! Watch out!' She says. It's too late.

He jumps on me and hits me a couple times till the boys take him away. I have to admit it hurts a bit.

"Stay away." He says with a glare and leaves.

(Y/N) runs up to me. She wraps her arms around me and give me a hug.

"Are you okay??" She asks me. She's so worried about me.


"Maybe we should go to the hospital." She says panicking.

"I'm fine love. I don't mind fighting for you as long as you gonna take care about me afterwards." I get up and say "Come on, mom is waiting." 

She gives me a beautiful smile.  "My hero." I feel billion butterflies fly in my stomach.

We walk home. When we arrived my mom ran up to me and started hugging.

After this she invites all of us inside.

"So, you two are together now?" Mom asks me and (Y/N).

We both smile. We look in each others eyes and nod.

"Finally." She says and gives us a wink.

"So, (Y/N). You're going on tour with the boys in 2 days?"

"I can't wait!" She says.

"GROUP HUG!" Louis screams.

We all jump on (Y/N) and give her a big hug.

But, I love you.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora