Part 12

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"He's gone." I whisper. "He's gone!" I scream.

I run downstairs. My heart beats faster than ever. I feel everything. Sadness. Anxiety. Scared. Nervousness.

"Anne! Anne! Harry isn't in his room." I say almost crying.

"What? How.. Don't cry hunny, maybe he's gone for a walk. But I haven't seen him leaving." She tries to comfort me.

"No, he used his sheets to escape trough the window."

"What? We have to search him!" She starts panicking.

"Wait we'll call the boys first."

I called Zayn and Liam, Anne called Louis and Niall.

They all had the same answer, they didn't know where Harry was.

10 minutes later they were all at Anne's house.

Anne opened the door so they could walk in when they arrived. I was sitting in the couch when I heard the boys coming in.

"Hey princess, what happened?" Niall asks.

They're all looking at me.

I burst out in tears.

"Harry loves me. And yesterday we had a fight because I didn't know who to choose, Tom or Harry. And Harry said he couldn't handle it when I choose Tom.

He knew Tom came back today."

Liam hugs me. "It's not your fault sweetheart." He whispers.

"But, why are you here then?" Louis asks.

"To tell Harry I love him." Everyone becomes quiet. They look at me like they've seen a ghost.

"You.. You love him?" Louis asks.

I nod.

"I messed up everything." I say.

"We need to find him." Zayn decides.

"Okay. Anne you stay here. If he comes back you call us. 

Niall and (Y/N) you go in town. Me, Zayn and Liam are going to the mall." Louis says.

We nod and leave the house.

"Are we going to find him, Niall?" I asks.

"Hey hey, of course we're going to find him! Don't cry. You won't find him with blurry eyes, princess." he says.

I smile to him and clean my eyes. Niall is always very sweet. He always takes care of me and calls me princess because I make him lunch or dessert. I'm happy to have them in my life. I can't miss one of them. Like once, a guy dumped me and Harry made the boys coming over to have a movienight. We ate tons of ice cream together and they made me laugh again. We all slept in the same bed that night. I can't imagine my life without them. Especially without Harry.. I need to find him.

"I just got a text from Louis. They didn't find him at the mall."

I sigh.

"I really don't know where to look. Where can he be?" Niall asks.

Where can he be.. When Harry feels sad he always go to the park. The parc! Ofcourse, The parc!! How could I forget the parc! I feel so stupid.

"THE PARC!!" I scream.

Niall looks at me and immediatly knows what I mean.

We both start running.

How could we all forget Harry and mine bench at the parc!

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