Part 23

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The next day I wake up on Harry's chest. It's 8am and I decide to wake him up.

"Babeeeeee." I sit on top of him and give him kisses.

"We should get up!" Harry's eyes finally open.

"We should yeah." We both smile at each other. 

"I'm gonna take a shower." I say.

I go in our bathroom and start pulling of my clothes when Harry walk in.

"Eeeeeehhhh." I yell and cover myself.

'If we shower with two at the same time we won't lose time." He says with his cheeky smile.

I give him a glare.

"Please?" He pouts. I don't want Harry to see me naked. I have not the skinniest body and I bet he has seen skinnier girls naked. But I know he'll keep asking. And I can't say no to his puppy eyes.


After the shower Harry clatters my back and we get dressed together. He gives me my Minnie-ears and  we go to the restaurant to have breakfast together.

We're sitting on our table eating our breakfast.

"You're sister is there." Harry says.

I smile.

"What?" I turn around to see Minnie mouse walking around in the restaurant.

She sees me looking at her and comes to us. Harry takes a picture of me and Minnie mouse.

Harry asks someone to take a picture from us with Minnie, kissing on her cheek.

We thank Minnie and go back to our breakfast. 

"Did you already posted the picture?"

"Minniestagram." He says with a wink.

After breakfast we get ready for our second day in Disneyland Paris. We decide to start in the studios today. We're queing for the Nemo ride. Harry says he isn't afraid but I know he is. He has a special expression when he's scared. I take his hand. He looks at me.

"It will be alright." I wink at him.

"Are you gonna hold my hand?" He asks.

"If you want to."

"I would love to!"

"You're not scared aren't you Styles?"

"What? Me? It's eh just, ehm I don't want you to be afraid."

"I won't." I say. I'm trying to hold my laugh. I just know how terrified he is.

"Fine no holding hands then."

It's our time to go on the ride. Harry didn't take my hand so I decide to take his. I look at him and he smiles to me. 

"It's gonna be over before you know it." I say.

During the ride I hear him screaming but it's quite funny. 

When we get off I ask him 'It wasn't that bad right?"

"Nooo not at all." He's such a macho some times. I giggle.

"So you're ready for this?" I say while pointing at the Tower of terror.

"Sure. Piece of cake." He says showing me his cupcake smile and his terrified expression.

"Listen Harry, If you don't want to.."

"I want to!"

There isn't a long line so we're immediatly in 'the lobby' of the hotel. It's always been one of my favorite. It really looks like an old hotel. The tower of terror is about a story. Long time ago this was a hotel for rich people, but one night the elevator fell down and the ghosts of the guests are still in the hotel. The decor is beautiful and it's just fun. When you're at the highest top of the ride you can see Disneyland. But you have to look quick because you fall down a couple seconds later. We're going into a room where they show us a video about what happened. The room is dark. I stand close to Harry. He puts his large arms around me. I'm so happy to call this boy mine. We go to the elevators now. I'm sitting beside Harry. I take his hand.

"You're save with me." I whisper in his ear.

He gives me a smile who shows his dimples.  Harry's face during the ride is priceless! 

"I'm so proud of you." I kiss his cheek.

"I love you." He says kissing my lips. I feel people taking million pictures of us, but I don't care anymore. I'm here with my boy and nobody can break my happiness. 

Harry's pov.

To be honest I'm terrified on all these rides. But I go on them for (Y/N). She enjoys it and I like it when she holds my hand. She makes me feel save. I don't care about the whole world knowing about our relationship. I'm with her now, here. And I want to have fun. I wouldn't be able to do this with another girl. It just she makes me feel Harry. The Harry before the Xfactor. When I dated Taylor it didn't feel right. She didn't treath me like a normal boy, she didn't know the real me. There are only a few people who do. My family, the boys and (Y/N). It's almost lunchtime and we decide to buy a sandwich while walking to the other parc again. We take some selfies and leave the studios. When we arrive at the other parc we're done eating and go to frontureland. We start with the phantom. It's not really scary but it's dark and we sit close. Everytime I sit close to her I feel million butterflies in my tummy. I never thought I would get a serious relationship with the best girl on earth. It's still unbelievable she picked me. But I know one thing. She'll be mine forever. I think about this morning, when we showered together. In the beginning she was shy and covered herself but she's perfect. She shouldn't be ashamed of herself. She has the most beautiful body I've ever seen. Not skinny but not fat. Just like a girl should be. I think the fans will like her, because she looks like them.

We're laughing the whole time in the phantom. She's so beautiful. I lean to hear and we start to make out. I have her head in my hands and her hand is everywhere in my hair.

"Finally a long kiss!" I say and she giggles.

We get out of the phantom and go to the Big thunder mountain. It's a train who goes fast but It looks fine. We're queing hand in hand. I pull her close for a hug. People around us are "aawh" and "oooh". I smile at the comments and give her a kiss on her head. I'm glad they're not asking questions and just give us some space. After our ride at the big thunder mountain, what goes a lot faster then I expected, we go on Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones. 

We decide to have dinner now. We found a restaurant from the Lion king and we order our food. It's the first time I'm in disneyland and it's wonderfull. I thought it would be something childish but it isn't. It's really fun! When I brought her here, you had to see her face! The looked suprised but so happy. I love the way she looks at everything here. She looks the happiest girl in the world. And I'm the happiest boy for sure!  I'm so happy I did this for her. A couple weeks ago her mom told me how crazy she was about disney. She showed me an old album of (Y/N). I decided to give this to her. She had to be away from everything. And now she's here, she doesn't think about Tom.

After dinner we go to discovery land. We decide to keep it calm and go on Buzz lightyear! I'm very proud because I won! We made a bet. When she won I had to wear the minnie ears for an hour and when I won, what I did, she has to delete that embarrasing picture she took of me this afternoon.

After buzz we go in the little cars. I let (Y/N) drive. She isn't really good in it and we laugh our butt of.

"You can't drive!!" I say laughing.

"I would love to see you drive with these!!" She says.

It's becoming dark and it's kinda romantic. We're alone and just having fun, like we always do.

After this crazy ride we decide it's been a long day with a lot of rides, we'll go to the hotel. It's already 9pm. 

When we're in our room I start to kiss her. 

We fall on the bed and she's laying with her head on my chest.

"I've never been so in love before." She says.


"You've never been in love before!" She teased while sitting on top of me.

"So you should be honored!" I say jokily.

"I am." She says seriously, but with a smile.

"I really am." And she kisses me on the lips.

Best. girlfriend. ever!


But, I love you.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant