Part 31

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I'm looking around to find my phone. I see him laying on the night desk. I bend over (Y/N) and take my phone. I have 2 new messages.

"Hi curly. How's (Y/N)? Is she better already? When Is she coming home?" - Niall, Louis, Zayn & Liam.

"Harrrreh answer, how is she?!" - Niall, Louis, Zayn & Liam.

A small smile comes on my face. They care so much about her. I reply and put my phone away.

On that moment the nurse came in.

"Did you have a good nap, sir?"

"Yeah, thanks." I smile to her.

"I'm here with something to eat. I thought you two might be starving." She says polite.

"Oh I almost forgot to say, this morning the police came to ask (Y/N) some questions but I told them she was sleeping. They'll come back this afternoon."

"Okay I'll tell her. Thank you." I look as the nurse dissapears.

"Ugh." I turn around to see (Y/N) opening her eyes. 

"Morning babe." I say while giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"She brought us breakfast." I jump out of the bed and walk over to the table. I realise (Y/N) is still sitting on the bed. She moves really slowly. She sits up and her expression tells me she's hurt.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to bring it?"

"No no I'll sit at the table." She gives me a smile.

She tries to stand up but she loses control. In one second she falls on the ground. I tried to catch her but I'm too late.

"I'm so sorry babe." I say. I feel guilty. First I left her alone and now I can't catch her.

"No worries."

I take her hands in mine and help her up. 

"Awh." She whispers.

We take step by step. My eyes don't leave her. I'm loving this girl so much. I would take her pain away if I could. I help her to the chair. I see her hurt-expression again when she sits down. I really don't know how to act in this situation. I want to be here for her and at the same time I want to beat Tom. How could he touch my baby? How could he even think about.. Disgusting.

She takes a few bites and lay her fork away.

"Is it bad?" I ask confused.

"Not really hungry." Her voice is quiet, probably because she yelled too hard last night.

"Oh okay."

"I ehm, I want to shower." I look up to her as she continues.

"Can you wait in front of my door? And talk to me so I'll know you're still there." 

For a second I think she's going insane but then I realise what she wants.

She doesn't feel safe anymore and  wants me to protect her. I walk over to her and help her to get up. Again we take step for step to the bathroom. I lead her in.

"I'm waiting at the door okay? If you need me you say my name."

She nods and I turn around to the door.  

Sometimes I hear a small "awh."

"Babe is everything alright?" 

"Yeah I'm good."

I hear the shower turn on and decide to take my phone. I go on twitter and watch through my mentions. People are worried and confused. I realise I haven't tweet anything anymore since I've criend on the concert. I tweet them that's everything's alright and reply some fans. I keep scrolling to my mentions when one tweet caughs my eye.

"@(Y/T/N) CHEATING ON @Harry_Styles WHORE!" I open the following picture to see a picture of (Y/N) and Tom. My heart breaks in two. It's a picture of them kissing. I recognize the clothes she's wearing on the picture. It's a picture of last night. I close my eyes and sigh.

Oh no. She can't see this pics. And now everyone thinks she's cheating on me.

I start a twitlonger.

"Hey guys. You've probably seen the pictures of (Y/N) and her ex-boyfriend. I just want you to know that she's NOT cheating on me. We love each other like never before and nothing can break us apart. Please, believe my words instead of the stories paps make up! Thanks :) Xx

I immediatly get some positive reactions.

"I'm shipping you two so hard! Cuties!"

"Is (Y/N) alright? I love her! I love you both! Xx"

I'm interrupted by a loud "Awwwwww"

Without thinking I turn around and slam the door open.

(Y/N) is sitting on her knees. Her hand rubbing her stomach.

I sit next to her.

"I'll take care of you donut."

I help her dress and drag her to bed.

"Lets watch a movie together!" I say.

She lays back her head on my chest.



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