Part 10

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Today I was supposed to hang out with the boys again, but the management called they have a interview this evening.  I decide to call a friend and go shopping.

"Hiiiii (Y/N), long time ago. Missed you." Liz says.

She's always been nice to me, and not because I'm friends with the boys. She never asked me to meet the boys or whatever. It's great to have someone like her around. I have had a lot of fake friends.

"Liz, god missed you too."

"Same. So tell me about Tom." She says while walking into Topshop.

"He's great. He's in America now but I'll see him next week."

"Waw, I'm happy for you. I never thought.." She stops talking.

"What?" I ask with a smile.

"I just thought you and Harry would end up together."

"Oh, yeah I guess many people thought the same." I say while looking back to the clothes.

After a great afternoon we went home. I really had a good time, and  after that conversation we didn't talked about Harry or Tom anymore. I must say I liked it.

I went home and now I'm laying on my bed. I've always ignored the feelings but now I have to be honest. Harry or Tom? Harry? Tom? I know Harry for years, but he's my best friend. It's wrong to kiss your best friend right? But he understands everything about me.  He knows me like no one else. And Tom, I know him for a couple weeks and it's clearly we have different thoughts about everything. But maybe that's a good thing. I don't really like his family but when we're in England we won't see them.  

I feel like I can't think clearly.  I decide to take a shower. Those 2 boys keep running through my head.  When I step out of the shower I hear my mom. She just came home from work.

I take some random clothes and go downstairs.

"Hey Mom." I say and give her a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey sunshine. How are you." 

"I'm good. Thanks. Mom... I want to ask you something."

"Do you want the pill already?" She says looking at me.

"What?? Mom!"

"Sorry.. I want you to be save. "

"Whatever. Mom, why do you and dad have a good relationship?"

"That's simple." She says smiling.

"I married my best friend."

"Oh." I say.

It was time for the interview. I'm sitting in the couch watching TV.

"So, how are you guys?" The intervieuwer asks.

"We're good. We're making a new album and It's amazing." Niall says.

"We can't wait to show our fans and go on tour." Liam says.

"Must be a buzy time for you guys. Does that means no time for love? Who has a girlfriend?"

Zayn and Louis put their arms in the air.

"And the other boys? Harry?"

"I'm single for the moment." He says with a smile.

"Are you sure? People saw you last week with these blonde." His smile fades.

I can't believe my eyes. They show pictures from Harry and a blonde bimbo by his flat. 

At night and the day after.

Harry starts blushing and says "She's just a friend."

Harry told you he loves you. He wanted to change for you but he's just the same. I feel myself tense and stop watching the tv. I run to my room and start crying in my bed. 

"I'm so stupid."

I cried myself asleep.The next morning I wake up with 15 missed calls and 17 messages. 

I decide to delete everything. I don't want to hear Harry right now. 

I go downstairs and eat breakfast. My phone starts ringing. I roll my eyes.

I look to the name and see the caller is Zayn. I'm glad it's not Harry.

"Hey Zayn." I say.

"Hey (Y/N), it's Harry. You ignored my calls so I took Zayn's phone. Please listen to me. Can I come over? We really need to talk. I know you're mad but it's not what you think. Let me explain."


Harry's flat is 10mins from my house so I decide to stay in my pyjama. I'm thinking about what I'm gonna say to him.

Riiiiiing. I stand up and drag myself to the door.

I open the door and walk in the living room without saying a word. Harry follows me.

"Look, it's not what you think." Harry starts.

"So you didn't had sex with her last week?" 

He closes his eyes and look to his feet. 'Ehm."

"You did right? I can't believe you. I almost kissed you! I almost broke up with my boyfriend because of you. I can't trust you."

"Okay yes I did okay. Even I love you, I was thinking about you the whole time."

"Waw do I have to see this as a compliment? You thought about me while having sex with someone else. WAW."

"It's not like I cheated?  Why are you upset about this. I'm not your boyfriend."

 I don't know why but these words hurts.

"You told me last week you wanted to change for me, but clearly you don't. How can I trust you in a relationship when I can't trust you as a friend!"

"(Y/N) please let me explain."

I run to my bedroom. I don't want to hear this anymore.

I close my bedroom door and sit against it.

I hear Harry walking closer. He stands before my door.

"She was standing for my door. I didn't know she knew where I lived. She had problems and wanted to talk."

I'm sobbing.

"She started to kiss me and I tried to stop her. But yeah, I was weak and kissed back. I wish I never done it. It was the last time. I promise. I love you and no one else."

I open the door and sits on my bed. He comes and sits beside me.

"What's going on with you, love."

"I'm confused."

"You were jealous, weren't you?"

"But why? I shouldn't be jealous, you're just my best friend!"

"Maybe you love me." He says with his cheeky smile.

"No, no. I love Tom."

I stands up and walk to the door. Harry grabs my arm and stops me.

I turn around. We're looking into each other eyes. He pulls me closer and kisses me.

It's like million butterflies are flying around in my stomach. His hands are on my waist, my hands are running through his hair. There's no place between us. We're so close. His grip makes me feel save. I kiss him back.  It's the best kiss I ever had.

"You're sure?" Harry asks with a smile.

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