Zero hour!!!!

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O......M.......G!!!!! Just to be clear I'm going to say spoilers........

It was soooo good!!!! I was literally shaking when Thrawn had them surrounded. I thought they would be captured.

Seriously that talk Kanan and Ezra had was so touching. But I got nervous thinking that Ezra or Kanan might die. Thankfully they didn't die. But sadly, Sato did.

I actually wasn't expecting Sato to sacrifice himself. Zeb maybe but Sato no.

I had a small theory that Zeb was going to die. I'm glad he didn't.

And Bendu!!!!! Wow wasn't expecting that from him. The way Thrawn looked at Bendu when he was looking into Thrawn's future made me want to jump off my couch.

The humor Kanan and Hera had during the battle was a light in the darkness. It just gave me another reason to ship them. Yes, I ship Hera and Kanan.

But I ship Kanan and Ezra like father and son more. That's why I'm going to talk about their conversation again. Sorry it was like my favorite part of the whole thing. Which is weird because it was in the beginning but still.

But to be honest, does anyone else think it is weird to see Kallus on the rebels side? I mean compare him from season 1 to now and there's a HUGE difference.

The thing that really caught my eye was when Kallus went to Ezra's tower to do his fulcrum transmission. I kinda figured he was doing it there when it showed Kallus go there in the trailer.

This was a good season and I can't wait till season 4.

May the force be with you!!!!!!

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